Nu de putine ori sunt intrebat  "cu ce se ocupa radioamatorii...?"  sau " cum as putea sa devin si eu radioamator?" dar cea mai frecventa e "si ce castigi din asta...?". Daca la primele doua voi incerca sa dau un raspuns atat pentru cei care intreaba sau au intrebat cat si pentru cei care, eventual, vor sa devina radioamatori, la cea de-a treia inca incerc sa gasesc un raspuns.

Radioamatorismul este un hobby, o ocupatie de timp liber placuta (inainte de 89' i se spunea "sport  tehnico-aplicativ), care aduna sub cupola sa diverse persoane  de la varste incepand de la 6 ani si pana la 102 ani. De asemenea, radioamatorii au meserii din cele mai diferite, contrar ideii ca toti trebuie sa fi electronisti sau macar "buni in electronica". Totodata trebuie demontata ideea ca daca nu ai tinut un pistol de lipit in mana nu poti fi radioamator, chiar daca aceasta activitate este preponderent tehnica. E cat se poate de fals. Ca o confirmare a celor spuse va pot spune ca in randurile radioamatorilor veti gasi si reprezentante ale "sexului frumos", care se stie bine au inclinatie  mai mult spre partea artistica, estetica...

Deci, cu ce incepem ? Inceputul e bine sa-l faceti inscriindu-va la radioclubul din localitatea in care locuiti. De ce spun asta, pentru ca cel de-al doilea pas este obtinerea unei autorizatii de radioamator receptor emisa de Federatia Romana de Radioamatorism, fara examen, care se obtine mai usor prin intermediul radioclubului. Pentru cei ce nu stiu efectuarea de receptii radio in alte benzi decat cele publice este ilegala. Acest stagiu de radioamator receptor nu este obligatoriu dar consider eu, si nu numai, este necesar. In acest timp veti dobandi unele cunostinte si deprinderi care va vor folosi la obtinerea autorizatiei de radioamator de emisie-receptie. Cum spuneam mai sus din randurile radioamatorilor fac parte persoane avand diverse meserii, dar pentru a accede la autorizatia de radioamator de emisie-receptie toti vor trebui sa faca dovada prin examen, a unor cunostinte minime din: Electronica si radiotehnica, Protectia muncii, Proceduri si reguli de operare si Reglementari interne si internationale. Acest examen nu este greu deci nu trebuie sa va speriati, mai ales cei care au invatat capitolele de electricitate din manualul de Fizica din clasa a X-a.

Alfabetul fonetic international

Acest alfabet se foloseste in cazul comunicatiilor in fonie, atunci cand din diverse motive, QRM (interferente cu alte statii),  QRN (descarcari atmosferice, paraziti atmosferici), similaritate in pronuntie caracterele importante cum sunt cele din indicativ nu sunt inteligibile.

























































Sistemul RST de raportare a receptiei

In mod curent se foloseste sistemul de raportare a calitatii receptiei RST, pentru raportarea inteligibilitatii, puterii si tonului unei statii receptionate. Pentru legaturi in fonie sunt folositi doar parametrii R si S.

R - Readability (Inteligibilitate)

S -Strength (Putere)

T - Tone (Ton)

READABILITY ( Inteligibilitate )

1.    Neinteligibil

2.    La limita inteligibilului, se pot distinge ocazional cuvinte intregi

3.    Copiabil cu dificultate considerabila

4.    Copiabil practic fara dificultate

5.    Perfect inteligibil

SIGNAL STRENGTH ( Taria semnalului )

1.    Semnal extrem de slab, abia perceptibil

2.    Semnal foarte slab

3.    Semnal slab

4.    Semnal modest ca putere

5.    Semnal destul de bun

6.    Semnal bun

7.    Semnal aproape puternic

8.    Semnal puternic

9.    Semnal extrem de puternic

TONE ( Tonul ) - pentru Morse

1.    Brum pe frecventa industiala(50Hz); foarte puternic

2.    Brum clar si puternic

3.    Brum de tensiune redresata, nefiltrata

4.    Brum de tensiune redresata dar filtrata foarte putin.

5.    Sunetul este modulat de brum, putin muzical.

6.    Ton filtrat, putin modulat insa cu modulatie de riplu(tiuit usor)

7.    Ton aproape pur, cu putina modulatie de riplu

8.    Ton aproape perfect, modulatie aproape imperceptibila

9.    Ton perfect, muzical




Codul Q este o colectie standardizata a unui cod format din trei litere, toate incepand cu litera "Q", initial dezvoltat pentru comunicatiile radiotelegrafice comerciale, mai tarziu adoptat de alte servicii, in special de radioamatori. Desi codul Q a fost creat cand radioul utiliza exclusiv codul Morse, acesta a continuat sa fie folosit si dupa introducerea comunicatiilor prin voce. Codul din intervalul QAA-QNZ este rezervat serviciului aeronautic, QAA-QOZ pentru serviciul maritim iar QRA-QUZ pentru celelalte servicii.






Care este inteligibilitatea semnalelor mele ?

Inteligibilitatea semnalelor d-tale este....


Sunteti interferat ?

Sânt interferat de....


Sunteti deranjat de paraziti atmosferici ?

Sânt deranjat de paraziti atmosferici.


Sa maresc puterea emitatorului?

Mareste puterea emitatorului.


Sa micsorez puterea emitatorului ?

Micsorez puterea emitatorului.


Sa transmit mai rar ?

Transmiteti mai rar.


Sa încetez transmisia ?

Încetez transmisia.


De cine sunt chemat ?

Sunteti chemat de....


Sunteti gata ?

Sânt gata.


Semnalele mele au fading ?

Semnalele dvs. au fading .


Puteti confirma receptia ?

Va confirm receptia


Puteti comunica cu ... direct ?

Pot comunica cu ... direct.


Sa schimb transmisia pe o alta frecventa ?

Schimb transmisia pe o alta frecventa.


Când ma veti chema din nou ?

Va voi chema din nou la ora … pe ... kHz

(sau MHz)


Care este pozitia dvs. în latitudine  si longitudine (sau dupa orice alta indicatie) ?

Pozitia mea în grade este … latitudine­ ... longitudine ... (sau dupa orice alta indicatie).


Nota: în afara acestor coduri, se pot folosi si celelalte din Apendicele 14 din Regulamentul Radiocomunica?iilor.





AR = Sfârsit de transmisiune

ASK = A întreba

BK = Semnal folosit la întreruperea unei transmisiuni în curs

COND = Conditii (de propagare)

CQ = Apel general catre toate statiile

CUAGN = Pe curând

CW = Unde continue

DE = De la; folosit si la separarea indicativului de apel al statiei chemate de cel al statiei chematoare

DX = Distanta mare (de obicei de pe alt continent)

GA = Buna ziua

GB = La revedere

GM = Buna dimineata

HP, HPE = Sper, speranta

K = Invitatie la transmitere

MSG = Mesaj

OM = Prieten

PSE = Va rog

RST = Raport pentru inteligibilitatea, taria si tonul semnalului

R = Receptionat

RX = Receptor

SK = Sfârsitul transmiterii

TKS, TNX = Multumesc

UR = Al dumneavoastra

VA = SK = Sfârsitul transmiterii

VY = Foarte

73 = Salutari

88 = Sarutari


Nota: în traficul radiotelegrafic se pot folosi si prescurtarile cuvintelor din limbile de circulatie internationala.

Ce mai trebuie sa stiti e ca radioamatorii nu emit intrun mod haotic, pe ce frecvente doresste fiecare ci le sunt alocate de catre IARU (International Amateur Radio Union) anumite benzi (ecart intre anumite frecvente) astfel:
















135.7 – 137.8


CW, QRSS and narrow band digital modes



RR 5.67A Stations in the amateur service using frequencies in the band 135.7-137.8 kHz shall not exceed a maximum radiated power of 1 W (e.i.r.p.) and shall not cause harmful interference to stations of the radio navigation service operating in countries listed in No. 5.67. (WRC-07) (Cavtat 2008)


RR 5.67B The use of the band 135.7-137.8 kHz in Algeria, Egypt, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Lebanon, Syrian Arab Republic, Sudan and Tunisia is limited to the fixed and maritime mobile services.  The amateur service shall not be used in the above-mentioned countries in the band 135.7-137.8 kHz, and this should be taken into account by the countries authorizing such use. (WRC-07)(Cavtat 2008)










1810 - 1838


CW, 1836 kHz  - QRP Centre of Activity


1838 - 1840


Narrow band modes


1840 - 1843


All modes – digimodes, (*)


1843 - 2000


All modes, (*)



Radio Amateurs in countries that have a SSB allocation ONLY below 1840 kHz, may continue to use it, but the National Societies in those countries are requested to take all necessary steps with their license administrations to adjust the phone allocations in accordance with the Region 1 Bandplan. (Davos 2005)










3500 - 3510


CW, priority for intercontinental operation


3510 - 3560


CW, contest preferred,  3555 kHz - QRS Centre of Activity


3560 - 3580


CW, 3560 kHz - QRP Centre of Activity


3580 - 3590


Narrow band modes - digimodes


3590 - 3600


Narrow band modes - digimodes, automatically controlled data stations (unattended)


3600 - 3620


All modes - digimodes, automatically controlled data station (unattended), (*)


3600 - 3650


All modes, 3630 kHz - Digital Voice Centre of Activity,  SSB contest preferred, (*)


3650 - 3700


All modes, 3690 kHz - SSB QRP Centre of Activity


3700 - 3800


All modes, SSB contest preferred,


3735 kHz - Image Centre of Activity


3760 kHz - Region 1  Emergency Centre of Activity


3775 - 3800


All modes, priority for intercontinental operation



Intercontinental operations should be given priority in the segments 3500-3510 kHz and 3775-3800 kHz.



Where no DX traffic is involved, the contest segments should not include 3500-3510 kHz or 3775-3800 kHz.   Member societies will be permitted to set other (lower) limits for national contests (within these limits).



3510-3600 kHz may be used for unmanned ARDF beacons (CW ) (Davos 2005)



Member societies should approach their national telecommunication authorities and ask them not to allocate frequencies to other than amateur stations in the band segment that IARU has assigned to intercontinental long distance traffic.








7000 - 7025


CW, contest preferred


7025 - 7040


CW, 7030 kHz - QRP Centre of Activity


7040 - 7047


Narrow band modes - digimodes


7047 - 7050


Narrow band modes – digimodes, automatically controlled data stations (unattended)


7050 - 7053


All modes - digimodes, automatically controlled data stations (unattended) (*)


7053 - 7060


All modes - digimodes


7060 - 7100


All modes,  SSB contest preferred




7070 kHz - Digital Voice Centre of Activity




7090 kHz - SSB QRP Centre of Activity


7100 - 7130


All modes, 7110 kHz – Region 1 Emergency Centre of Activity


7130 - 7200


All modes, SSB contest preferred, 7165 kHz - Image Centre of Activity


7175 - 7200


All modes, priority for intercontinental operation








10100 - 10140


CW,  10116 kHz -  QRP Centre of Activity


10140 - 10150


Narrow band modes – digimodes



SSB may be used during emergencies involving the immediate safety of life and property and only by stations actually involved in the handling of emergency traffic.



The band segment 10120 kHz to 10140 kHz may be used for SSB transmissions in the area of Africa south of the equator during local daylight hours.



News bulletins on any mode should not be transmitted on the 10 MHz band.








14000 - 14060


CW, contest preferred, 14055 kHz - QRS Centre of Activity


14060 - 14070


CW, 14060 kHz - QRP Centre of Activity


14070 - 14089


Narrow band modes - digimodes


14089 - 14099


Narrow band modes - digimodes, automatically controlled data stations (unattended)


14099 - 14101


IBP, exclusively for beacons


14101 - 14112


All modes - digimodes, automatically controlled data stations (unattended)


14112 - 14125


All modes


14125 - 14300


All modes, SSB contest preferred,




14130 kHz - Digital Voice Centre of Activity




14195 kHz ± 5 kHz - Priority for Dxpeditions




14230 kHz - Image Centre of Activity




14285 kHz - SSB QRP Centre of Activity


14300 - 14350


All modes, 14300 kHz - Global Emergency centre of activity








18068 - 18095


CW, 18086 kHz - QRP Centre of Activity


18095 - 18105


Narrow band modes - digimodes


18105 - 18109


Narrow band modes - digimodes, automatically controlled data stations (unattended)


18109 - 18111


IBP, exclusively for beacons


18111 - 18120


All modes - digimodes, automatically controlled data stations (unattended)


18120 - 18168


All modes,




18130 kHz - SSB QRP Centre of Activity




18150 kHz - Digital Voice Centre of Activity




18160 kHz - Global Emergency Centre of Activity








21000 - 21070


CW, 21055 kHz - QRS Centre of Activity


21060 kHz - QRP Centre of Activity


21070 - 21090


Narrow band modes - digimodes


21090 - 21110


Narrow band modes - digimodes, automatically controlled data stations (unattended)


21110 - 21120


All modes (excluding SSB) - digimodes, automatically controlled data stations (unattended


21120 - 21149


Narrow band modes


21149 - 21151


IBP, exclusively for beacons


21151 - 21450


All modes, 21180 kHz - Digital Voice Centre of Activity


21285 kHz - SSB QRP Centre of Activity


21340 kHz - Image Centre of Activity


21360 kHz - Global Emergency Centre of Activity








24890 - 24915


CW, 24906 kHz - QRP centre of activity


24915 - 24925


Narrow band modes - digimodes


24925 - 24929


Narrow band modes - digimodes, automatically controlled data stations (unattended)


24929 - 24931


IBP, exclusively for beacons


24931 - 24940


All modes - digimodes, automatically controlled data stations (unattended)


24940 - 24990


All modes, 24960 kHz - Digital Voice Centre of Activity








28000 - 28070


CW, 28055 kHz - QRS Centre of Activity


28060 kHz - QRP Centre of Activity


28070 - 28120


Narrow band modes - digimodes


28120 - 28150


Narrow band modes - digimodes, automatically controlled data stations (unattended)


28150 - 28190


Narrow band modes


28190 - 28199


IBP, regional time shared beacons



28199 - 28201


IBP, worldwide time shared beacons


28201 - 28225


IBP, continuous duty beacons


28225 - 28300


All modes - beacons


28300 -28320


All modes - digimodes, automatically controlled data stations (unattended)


28320 - 29200


All modes,


28330 kHz - Digital Voice Centre of Activity



28360 kHz - SSB QRP Centre of Activity


28680 kHz - Image Centre of  Activity


29200 - 29300


All modes - digimodes, automatically controlled data stations (unattended)


29300 - 29510




29510 – 29520


Guard channel


29520 – 29550


All modes - FM simplex – 10 kHz channels



29560 – 29590


All modes - FM repeater input (RH1 – RH4)




All modes - FM calling channel


29610 – 29650


All modes - FM simplex – 10 kHz channels


29660 - 29700


All modes - FM repeater outputs (RH1 – RH4)



Member societies should advise operators not to transmit on frequencies between 29.3 and 29.51 MHz to avoid interference to amateur satellite downlinks.



Preferred NBFM operating frequencies on each 10 kHz from 29.210 to 29.290 MHz inclusive should be used.



A deviation of ±2.5 kHz being used with 2.5 kHz as maximum modulation frequency.


Sursa: IARU


Fiecare radioamator are un indicativ unic format din prefixul corespunzator tarii (pentru Romania este YO), o cifra care reprezinta districtul din care face parte (2. 3...) si un grup de 2 sau 3 litere. Exemplu de indicative YO8RHM care este indicativul meu personal, YO4AUL, YO5DAR etc.

Mai jos aveti  prefixele corespunzatoare celor 8 districte din Romania si judetele ce apartin de acestea. Fiecare arie cuprinde mai multe judete cu exceptia districtului 3 care este rezervat municipiului Bucuresti si sectorului agricol Ilfov.


·      Arad (AR)

·      Caras-Severin (CS)

·      Hunedoara (HD)

·      Timis (TM)


·      Bucharest City and Ilfov sector (BU)


·      Braila (BR) Constantza (CT)

·      Galati (GL)

·      Tulcea (TL)

·      Vrancea (VN)


·      Alba (AB)

·      Bihor (BH)

·      Bistrita-Nasaud (BN)

·      Cluj (CJ)

·      Maramures (MM)

·      Satu Mare (SM)

·      Salaj (SJ)


·      Brasov (BV)

·      Covasna (CV)

·      Harghita (HR)

·      Mures (MS)

·      Sibiu (SB)


·      Arges (AG)

·      Dolj (DJ)

·      Gorj (GJ)

·      Mehedinti (MH)

·      Olt (OT)

·      Vilcea (VL)


·      Bacau (BC)

·      Botosani (BT)

·      Iasi (IS)

·      Neamt (NT)

·      Suceava (SV)

·      Vaslui (VS)


·      Buzau (BZ)

·      Calarasi (CL)

·      Dimbovitza (DB)

·      Giurgiu (GR)

·      Ialomita (IL)

·      Prahova (PH)

·      Teleorman (TR)


Asa cum fiecare judet are prefixul YO urmat de cifra districtului (de la 2-9) din care face parte asa fiecare tara (entitate cum le spunem noi si veti vedea de ce) are un prefix alocat dupa cum urmeaza:


 PREFIX                       COUNTRY                                       ZONE

                                                                           CQ  ITU

øAA to øZZ     Not allocated by ITU

øS             Principality of Seborga (Italy)  (Unofficial prefix)        28  15

1AA to 1ZZ     Not allocated by ITU

1A             Sovereign Military Order of Malta  (Unofficial prefix)      15  28

1B             North Cyprus (Turkish Area)  (Unofficial prefix)            20  39

1B             Blenheim Reef  (Unofficial prefix)                          39  41

1C             Chechnya  (Unofficial prefix - now RA6)                     16  29

1G             Geyser Reef  (Unofficial prefix)                            39  53

1M             Minerva Reef  (Unofficial prefix)                           32  62

1P             Principality of Seborga (Italy)  (Unofficial prefix)        28  15

1S             Spratly Islands  (Unofficial prefix - now 9M0, DX0 or BV9)  26  50

1SL            Principality of Sealand (Unofficial prefix)                 14  27

1X             Chechnya  (Unofficial prefix - now RA6)                     16  29

1Z             Karen State - Myanmar  (Unofficial prefix)                  26  49

2AA to 2ZZ     United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

               (Including Isle of Man and Channel Islands)

2A             Special prefix, for use during the "Homecoming Scotland"

               programme, only available by NOV until November 30 2009 and

               only available to stations permanently located in Scotland

               (Intermediate Licence Grade)                                14  27

2E             England (Intermediate Licence Grade)                        14  27

2D             Isle Of Man (Intermediate Licence Grade)                    14  27

2I             Northern Ireland (Intermediate Licence Grade)               14  27

2J             Jersey (Intermediate Licence Grade)                         14  27

2M             Scotland (Intermediate Licence Grade)                       14  27

2Q             Special prefix only used during June 2002 to commemorate

               the Golden Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II        14  27

2U             Guernsey and Dependencies (Intermediate Licence Grade)      14  27

2W             Wales (Intermediate Licence Grade)                          14  27

3AA to 3AZ     Monaco

3A             Monaco                                                      14  27

3BA to 3BZ     Mauritius

3B6, 3B7       Agalega and Saint Brandon                                   39  53

3B8            Mauritius                                                   39  53

3B9            Rodrigues Island                                            39  53

3CA to 3CZ     Equatorial Guinea

3C             Equatorial Guinea                                           36  47

3CAK           Valid callsign issued to a Russian visiting Malabo from

               January to April 2005. (Callsign has non-standard format)   36  47

3Cø            Pagalu (Annobon) Islands                                    36  52

3DA to 3DM     Swaziland

3D6            Swaziland  (Prefix no longer used - now 3DA)                38  57

3DA, 3DM       Swaziland                                                   38  57

3DN to 3DZ     Fiji

3D2            Republic of Fiji                                            32  56

3D2C           Conway Reef                                                 32  56

3D2F           Fiji Islands                                                32  56

3D2R           Rotuma Island                                               32  56

3EA to 3FZ     Panama

3E, 3F         Panama                                                       7  11

3GA to 3GZ     Chile

3G             Chile                                                       12  14

3GøX           San Felix Island                                            12  14

3GøY           Easter Island                                               12  63

3GøZ           Juan Fernandez Island (Robinson Crusoe Island)              12  14

3G1M           Santa Maria Island                                          12  14

3HA to 3UZ     China

3H, 3I, 3J,

3K, 3L, 3M,

3N, 3O, 3P,

3Q, 3R, 3S,

3T,3U          China

3VA to 3VZ     Tunisia

3V             Tunisia                                                     33  37

3WA to 3WZ     Vietnam

3W             Vietnam                                                     26  49

3XA to 3XZ     Republic of Guinea

3X, 3XD, 3XM   Republic of Guinea                                          35  46

3YA to 3YZ     Norway

3Y             Antarctica

3Yø            Bouvet Islands                                              38  67

3Yø            Peter I Islands                                             12  72

3ZA to 3ZZ     Poland

3Z             Poland                                                      15  28

4AA to 4CZ     Mexico

4A, 4B, 4C     Mexico                                                       6  10

4DA to 4IZ     Philipines

4D, 4E, 4F,

4G, 4H, 4I     Philippines                                                 27  50

4JA to 4KZ     Azerbaijan

4J             Azerbaijan                                                  21  29

4J1            Malyj Vysotskij  (Prefix no longer used - now R1Mx)         16  29

4Jnx           Azerbaijan  (Extra Class licences)                          21  29

4Jnxx          Azerbaijan  (1st Class licences)                            21  29

4JnxAA to                                                                  21  29

4JnxVZ         Azerbaijan  (2nd and 3rd Class licences)

4JnxWA to                                                                  21  29

4JnxZZ         Azerbaijan  (Club Stations)                                 21  29

4Jø, 4J1       Azerbaijan  (Special licences and foreign visitors)         21  29

4J2            Nakhichevan                                                 21  29

4J3            Azerbaijan territories excluding Nakhichevan and Baku       21  29

4J4, 4J5, 4J6,

4J7, 4J8, 4J9  Baku                                                        21  29

4K             Azerbaijan                                                  21  29

4K1            Old Russian Polar Station  (Prefix no longer used)

4Knx           Azerbaijan  (Extra Class licences)                          21  29

4Knxx          Azerbaijan  (1st Class licences)                            21  29

4KnxAA to                                                                  21  29

4KnxVZ         Azerbaijan  (2nd and 3rd Class licences)

4KnxWA to                                                                  21  29

4KnxZZ         Azerbaijan  (Club Stations)                                 21  29

4Kø, 4K1       Azerbaijan  (Special licences and foreigners)               21  29

4K2            Franz Josef Land  (Prefix no longer used - now R1Fx)        40  75

4K2            Nakhichevan                                                 21  29

4K3            Asiatic Russia  (Prefix no longer used - now UA)            16

4K3            Azerbaijan territories excluding Nakhichevan and Baku       21  29

4K4            Asiatic Russia  (Prefix no longer used - now UAø)

4K4, 4K5, 4K6,

4K7, 4K8, 4K9  Baku                                                        21  29

4LA to 4LZ     Georgia

4L             Georgia                                                     21  29

4LnQxx, 4LnSxx Georgia  (Adjaria and Batumi Oblasts)                       21  29

4LnVxx, 4LnXxx Georgia  (Abkhazia and Sukhumi Oblasts)                     21  29

4Lnx           Georgia  (Extra Class Licences)                             21  29

4L1, 4L4,

4L6, 4L7       Georgia  (Ordinary Licences)                                21  29

4L0, 4L2, 4L3,

4L5, 4L8       Georgia  (Reserved)                                         21  29

4MA to 4MZ     Venezuela

4M             Venezuela                                                    9  12

4NA to 4NZ     Not Allocated by ITU  (formerly allocated to Yugoslavia)

4Nø            Yugoslavia  (Reserved)  (Prefix no longer used)             15  28

4N1            Yugoslavia  (Reserved)  (Prefix no longer used)             15  28

4N4            Bosnia Herzegovina  (Prefix no longer used - now T9)        15  28

4N5            Macedonia  (Prefix no longer used - now Z3)                 15  28

4N6, 4N7, 4N8  Yugoslavia  (Regular)  (Prefix no longer used)              15  28

4N9            Yugoslavia  (Reserved)  (Prefix no longer used)             15  28

4OA to 4OZ     Montenegro  (formerly allocated to Yugoslavia)

4Oø            Montenegro  (formerly Yugoslavia  (Reserved))               15  28

4O1            Montenegro  (formerly Yugoslavia  (Special))                15  28

4O3            Montenegro                                                  15  28

4O4            Montenegro                                                  15  28

4O4            Bosnia Herzegovina  (Prefix no longer used - now T9)        15  28

4O5            Montenegro                                                  15  28

4O5            Macedonia  (Prefix no longer used - now Z3)                 15  28

4O6, 4O7, 4O8  Montenegro  (Formerly Yugoslavia  (Special))                15  28

4O9            Montenegro  (Formerly Yugoslavia  (Reserved))               15  28

4PA to 4SZ     Sri Lanka

4P, 4Q, 4R,

4S             Sri Lanka                                                   22  41

4TA to 4TZ     Peru

4T             Peru                                                        10  12

4UA to 4UZ     United Nations

4U             United Nations

4UnITU         International Telecommunications Union, Geneva              14  28

4UnUN          United Nations, New York, USA                                5   8

4U1ET          United Nations in East Timor                                28  54

4U1VIC         Vienna International Congress Center                        15  28

4U1WB          World Bank, Washington DC                                    5   8

4VA to 4VZ     Haiti

4V             Haiti                                                        8  11

4WA to 4WZ     United Nations  (formerly allocated to Yemen)

4W             Republic of Yemen  (Prefix no longer used - now 7O)         21  39

4W6            UN Transitional Administration in East Timor                28  54

4XA to 4XZ     Israel

4X             Israel                                                      20  39

4YA to 4YZ     International Civil Aviation Organisation

4ZA to 4ZZ     Israel

4Z             Israel                                                      20  29

5AA to 5AZ     Libya

5A             Libya                                                       34  38

5BA to 5BZ     Cyprus

5B             Cyprus                                                      20  39

5CA to 5GZ     Morocco

5C, 5D         Morocco                                                     33  37

5F5ø           Special prefix to commemorate the Kingdom of Jordan's

               50 years of independence.  Prefix only valid during

               July 2006                                                   33  37


5HA to 5IZ     Tanzania

5H             Tanzania                                                    37  53

5Hø            Tanzania  (Dodoma, Singida)                                 37  53

5H1            Tanzania  (Zanzibar and Pemba Islands)                      37  53

5H1            British Somaliland  (Prefix no longer used - now J2)        37  48

5H2            Tanzania  (Arusha, Kilimanjaro, Tanga)                      37  53

5H3            Tanzania  (Dar Es Salaam, Coast)                            37  53

5H4            Tanzania  (Morogoro)                                        37  53

5H5            Tanzania  (Lindi, Mtwara, Ruvuma)                           37  53

5H6            Tanzania  (Iringa)                                          37  53

5H7            Tanzania  (Mbeya)                                           37  53

5H8            Tanzania  (Kigorma, Rukwa, Tabora)                          37  53

5H9            Tanzania  (Kagera, Mwanza, Mara, Shinyanga)                 37  53

5I             Tanzania                                                    37  53

5JA to 5KZ     Columbia

5J             Colombia                                                     9  12

5Jø            San Andres and Providencia                                   7  11

5JøM           Malpelo Island                                               9  12

5K             Columbia                                                     9  12

5Kø            San Andres and Providencia                                   7  11

5KøM           Malpelo Island                                               9  12

5LA to 5MZ     Liberia

5L, 5M         Liberia                                                     35  46

5NA to 5OZ     Nigeria

5N             Nigeria                                                     35  46

5Nø            Nigeria  (Lagos)                                            35  46

5N1            Nigeria  (Ogun, Oyo)                                        35  46

5N2            Nigeria  (Kwara, Niger)                                     35  46

5N3            Nigeria  (Bendei, Ondo)                                     35  46

5N4            Nigeria  (Anambra, Rivers)                                  35  46

5N5            Nigeria  (Cross River, Imo)                                 35  46

5N6            Nigeria  (Benue, Plateau)                                   35  46

5N7            Nigeria  (Bauchi, Gongola)                                  35  46

5N8            Nigeria  (Borno, Kano)                                      35  46

5N9            Nigeria  (Kaduna, Sokoto)                                   35  46

5O             Nigeria                                                     35  46

5PA to 5QZ     Denmark

5P, 5Q                                                                     14  18

5RA to 5SZ     Malagasy Republic

5R, 5S         Malagasy Republic (Madagascar)                              39  53


5TA to 5TZ     Mauritania

5T             Mauritania                                                  35  46

5UA to 5UZ     Niger

5U             Niger                                                       35  46

5VA to 5VZ     Togo

5V             Togo                                                        35  46

5WA to 5WZ     Western Samoa

5W             Western Samoa                                               32  62

5XA to 5XZ     Uganda

5X             Uganda                                                      37  48

5YA to 5ZZ     Kenya

5Y, 5Z         Kenya                                                       37  48

6AA to 6BZ     Egypt

6A, 6B         Egypt                                                       34  38

6CA to 6CZ     Syria

6C             Syria                                                       20  39

6DA to 6JZ     Mexico

6D             Mexico                                                       6  10

6D4            Revilla Gigedo                                               6  10

6E             Mexico                                                       6  10

6E4            Revilla Gigedo                                               6  10

6F             Mexico                                                       6  10

6F4            Revilla Gigedo                                               6  10

6G             Mexico                                                       6  10

6G4            Revilla Gigedo                                               6  10

6H             Mexico                                                       6  10

6H4            Revilla Gigedo                                               6  10

6I             Mexico                                                       6  10

6I4            Revilla Gigedo                                               6  10

6J             Mexico                                                       6  10

6J4            Revilla Gigedo                                               6  10

6KA to 6NZ     South Korea

6K, 6L, 6M,

6N             South Korea                                                 25  44

6OA to 6OZ     Somalia

6O             Somalia                                                     37  48

6PA to 6SZ     Pakistan

6P, 6Q, 6R,

6S             Pakistan                                                    21  41

6TA to 6UZ     Sudan

6T, 6U         Sudan                                                       34  48

6VA to 6WZ     Senegal

6V, 6W         Senegal                                                     35  46

6Wø            Senegal  (Koldar)                                           35  46

6W1            Senegal  (Dakar)                                            35  46

6W2            Senegal  (Ziguinchor)                                       35  46

6W3            Senegal  (Diourbel)                                         35  46

6W4            Senegal  (St. Louis)                                        35  46

6W5            Senegal  (Tambacounda)                                      35  46

6W6            Senegal  (Kaolack)                                          35  46

6W7            Senegal  (Thies)                                            35  46

6W8            Senegal  (Louga)                                            35  46

6W9            Senegal  (Fatick)                                           35  46

6XA to 6XZ     Malagasy Republic (Madagascar)

6X             Madagascar                                                  39  53

6YA to 6YZ     Jamaica

6Y             Jamaica                                                      8  11

6ZA to 6ZZ     Liberia

6Z             Liberia                                                     35  46


7AA to 7IZ     Indonesia

7A, 7B, 7C,

7D, 7E, 7F,

7G             Indonesia                                                   28

7G             Guinea  (Prefix no longer used - now J5)                    35  46

7H, 7I         Indonesia                                                   28

7JA to 7NZ     Japan

7J             Japan  (Foreign visitors)                                   25  45

7J1A           Minami Torishima                                            27  90

7J1A           Ogasawara Island                                            27  45

7K, 7L, 7M

7N             Japan  (Japanese Citizens)                                  25  45

7OA to 7OZ     Republic of Yemen

7O             Republic of Yemen                                           21  39

7PA to 7PZ     Lesotho

7P             Lesotho                                                     38  57

7QA to 7QZ     Malawi

7Q             Malawi                                                      37  53

7RA to 7RZ     Algeria

7R             Algeria                                                     33  37

7SA to 7SZ     Sweden

7S             Sweden                                                      14  18

7S8            Antarctica

7TA to 7YZ     Algeria

7T, 7U, 7V,

7W, 7X, 7Y     Algeria                                                     33  37

7ZA to 7ZZ     Saudi Arabia

7Z             Saudi Arabia                                                21  39


8AA to 8IZ     Indonesia

8A, 8B, 8C,

8D, 8E, 8F,

8G, 8H, 8I     Indonesia                                                   28

8JA to 8NZ     Japan

8J             Japan                                                       25  45

8J1R           Japanese Bases in Antarctica

8K, 8L, 8M,

8N             Japan                                                       25  45

8OA to 8OZ     Botswana

8O             Botswana                                                    38  57

8PA to 8PZ     Barbados

8P             Barbados                                                     8  11

8QA to 8QZ     Maldive Isnands

8Q             Maldive Islands                                             22  41

8RA to 8RZ     Guyana

8R             Guyana                                                       9  12

8R1            Guyana  (East Demerara, West Demerara)                       9  12

8R2            Guyana  (East Berbice, West Berbice)                         9  12

8R3            Guyana  (Essequibo, Essequibo Island, Mazaruni, Northwest,

                        Rupununi)                                           9  12

8SA to 8SZ     Sweden

8S             Sweden                                                      14  18

8S9            Market Reef                                                 15  18

8TA to 8YZ     India

8T             India                                                       22  41

8T4            Andaman Islands                                             26  49

8T7            Laccadive Islands                                           22  41

8U             India                                                       22  41

8U4            Andaman Islands                                             26  49

8U7            Laccadive Islands                                           22  41

8V             India                                                       22  41

8V4            Andaman Islands                                             26  49

8V7            Laccadive Islands                                           22  41

8W             India                                                       22  41

8W4            Andaman Islands                                             26  49

8W7            Laccadive Islands                                           22  41

8ZA to 8ZZ     Saudi Arabia

8Z             Saudi Arabia                                                21  39

8Z4            Iraq/Saudi Neutral Zone  (Prefix no longer used)            21  39

8Z5            Kuwait/Saudi Neutral Zone  (Prefix no longer used)          21  39

9AA to 9AZ     Croatia

9A             Croatia                                                     15  28

9A             San Marino  (Prefix no longer used - now T7)                15  28

9BA to 9DZ     Iran

9B, 9C, 9D     Iran                                                        21  40

9EA to 9FZ     Ethiopia

9E, 9F         Ethiopia                                                    37  48

9GA to 9GZ     Ghana

9G             Ghana                                                       35  46

9HA to 9HZ     Malta

9H             Malta                                                       15  28

9H1            Malta  (HF - Maltese Citizens)                              15  28

9H3            Malta  (HF - Foreign visitors)                              15  28

9H4            Gozo and Comino Islands  (HF)                               15  28

9H5            Malta  (VHF)                                                15  28

9IA to 9JZ     Zambia

9I, 9J         Zambia                                                      36  53

9KA to 9KZ     Kuwait

9K             Kuwait                                                      21  39

9LA to 9LZ     Sierra Leone

9L             Sierra Leone                                                35  46

9MA to 9MZ     West Malaysia

9Mø            Spratly Islands (See also 1S, BV9 and DXø)                  26  50

9M2, 9M4,      West Malaysia                                               28  54

9M6            East Malaysia (Sabah and Sarawak)                           28  54

9M6O, 9M6P

9M6T           Spratly Islands (See also 1S, BV9 and DXø)                  26  50

9M8            East Malasia  (Sabah and Sarawak)                           28  54

9NA to 9NZ     Nepal

9N             Nepal                                                       22  42

9OA to 9TZ     Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire)

9O, 9P, 9Q     Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire)                        36  52

9Qø            Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire)  (Special calls)       36  52

9Q1            Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire)  (Kinshasa)            36  52

9Q2            Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire)  (Bas Congo)           36  52

9Q3            Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire)  (Bandundo)            36  52

9Q4            Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire)  (Equateur)            36  52

9Q5            Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire)  (Province Orientale)  36  52

9Q6            Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire)  (North & South Kivu,

                                                      Maniema)             36  52

9Q7            Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire)  (Katanga)             36  52

9Q8            Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire)  (Oriental Kasal)      36  52

9Q9            Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire)  (Occidental Kasal)    36  52

9R, 9S, 9T     Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire)                        36  52

9S4            Saar  (Prefix no longer used - now DL)                      14  28

9UA to 9UZ     Burundi

9U             Burundi                                                     36  52

9U5            Ruanda Urundi                                               36  52

9VA to 9VZ     Singapore

9V             Singapore                                                   28  54

9WA to 9WZ     Malaysia

9W2, 9W4       West Malaysia                                               28  54

9W6, 9W8       East Malaysia                                               28  54

9XA to 9XZ     Rwanda

9X             Rwanda                                                      36  52

9YA to 9ZZ     Trinidad and Tobago

9Y, 9Z         Trinidad and Tobago                                          9  11

AøA to AøZ     Not allocated by ITU

A1A to A1Z     Not allocated by ITU

A15            Abu Ail, Jabal at Tair  (Prefix no longer used - now J2A)   37  48

A2A to A2Z     Botswana

A2, A25        Botswana                                                    38  57

A3A to A3Z     Tonga

A3             Tonga                                                       32  62

A4A to A4Z     Oman

A4             Oman                                                        21  39

A5A to A5Z     Bhutan

A5, A51        Bhutan                                                      22  41

A6A to A6Z     United Arab Emirates

A6             United Arab Emirates                                        21  39

A7A to A7Z     Qatar

A7             Qatar                                                       21  39

A8A to A8Z     Liberia

A8             Liberia                                                     35  46

A9A to A9Z     Bahrain

A9             Bahrain                                                     21  39

AAA to ALZ     United States of America

AA, AB, AC     United States of America

               (States denoted by number - see "W")

AC3            Sikkim  (Prefix no longer used - now VU)

AC4            Tibet (Prefix no longer used - now BA, Xizang, China)

AC6            West Carolines                                              27  64

AD, AE, AF     United States of America

               (States denoted by number - see "W")

AG, AH         United States of America

               (States denoted by number - see "W")

AHø            Mariana Islands                                             27  64

AH1            Baker and Howland Islands                                   31  61

AH2            Guam                                                        27  64

AH3            Johnston Island                                             31  61

AH4            Midway Island                                               31  61

AH5            Palmyra Island                                              31  61

AH5K           Kingman Reef                                                31  61

AH6            Hawaii                                                      31  61

AH7K           Kure Island                                                 31  61

AH8            American Samoa                                              32  62

AH9            Wake Island                                                 31  65

AI, AJ, AK     United States of America

               (States denoted by number - see "W")

AL             Alaska                                                       1   1

AMA to AOZ     Spain

AM             Spain                                                       14  37

AM3            Montserrat Monastery                                        14  37

AM6            Balearic Islands                                            14  37

AM8            Canary Islands                                              33  36

AM9            Ceuta-Melilla                                               33  37

AN             Spain                                                       14  37

AN6            Balearic Islands                                            14  37

AN8            Canary Islands                                              33  36

AN9            Ceuta-Melilla                                               33  37

AO             Spain                                                       14  37

AO6            Balearic Islands                                            14  37

AO8            Canary Islands                                              33  36

AO9            Ceuta-Melilla                                               33  37

APA to ASZ     Pakistan

AP             Pakistan                                                    21  41

AP6            Palestine (Jerusalem) (Prefix no longer used - now 4X)      20  39

AQ, AR         Pakistan                                                    21  41

AR1            Syria (Prefix no longer used - now YK)                      20  39

AR8            Lebanon (Prefix no longer used - now OD)                    20  39

AS             Pakistan                                                    21  41

ATA to AWZ     India

AT             India                                                       22  41

ATø            Indian Base in Antarctica

AT3            Indian Base in Antarctica

AT4            Andaman Islands                                             26  49

AT7            Laccadive Islands                                           22  41

AU             India                                                       22  41

AU4            Andaman Islands                                             26  49

AU7            Laccadive Islands                                           22  41

AV             India                                                       22  41

AV4            Andaman Islands                                             26  49

AV7            Laccadive Islands                                           22  41

AW             India                                                       22  41

AW4            Andaman Islands                                             26  49

AW7            Laccadive Islands                                           22  41

AXA to AXZ     Australia

AX             Australia  (National Events)

AXø            Macquarie Island                                            30  60

AX1            Australia  (Capital Territory)                              30  59

AX2            Australia  (New South Wales)                                30  59

AX3            Australia  (Victoria)                                       30  59

AX4            Australia  (Queensland)                                     30  59

AX4            Mellish Reef                                                30  56

AX5            Australia  (South Australia)                                30  59

AX6            Australia  (Western Australia)                              29  59

AX7            Australia  (Tasmania)                                       30  59

AX8            Australia  (Northern Territory)                             29  59

AX9L           Lord Howe Island                                            30  60

AX9M           Mellish Reef                                                30  56

AX9N           Norfolk Island                                              32  60

AX9X           Christmas Island                                            29  54

AX9Y           Cocos Keeling Islands                                       29  54

AX9Z           Christmas Island                                            29  54

AYA to AZZ     Argentina

AY             Argentina                                                   13

AY1            South Orkney                                                13  73

AZ             Argentina                                                   13

BAA to BZZ     China

B              China  (Prefix no longer used)




BJ, BK, BL     China  (Provinces denoted by suffix - see below.   A map

                       showing the location of these Provinces is

                       available on EI8IC's website)

                        øAAA to øFZZ  Xin Jiang

                        øGAA to øLZZ  Xi Zang

                        1AAA to 1XZZ  Bei Jing

                        2AAA to 2HZZ  Hei Lon Jiang

                        2QAA to 2XZZ  Liao Ning

                        3AAA to 3FZZ  Tian Jin

                        3GAA to 3LZZ  Nei Meng

                        3MAA to 3RZZ  Hei Bei

                        3SAA to 3XZZ  Shan Xi

                        4AAA to 4HZZ  Shang Hai

                        4IAA to 4PZZ  Shan Dong

                        4QAA to 4XZZ  Jiang Su

                        5AAA to 5HZZ  Zhe Jiang

                        5IAA to 5PZZ  Jiang Xi

                        5QAA to 5XZZ  Fu Jian

                        6AAA to 6HZZ  An Hui

                        6IAA to 6PZZ  He Han

                        6QAA to 6XZZ  Hu Bei

                        7AAA to 7HZZ  Hu Nan

                        7IAA to 7PZZ  Guang Dong

                        7QAA to 7XZZ  Guang Xi

                        7YAA to 7YZZ  Hai Nan

                        8AAA to 8FZZ  Si Chuan

                        8GAA to 8LZZ  Chong Qing

                        8MAA to 8RZZ  Gui Zhou

                        8SAA to 8XZZ  Yun Nan

                        9AAA to 9FZZ  Shan Xi

                        9GAA to 9LZZ  Gan Su

                        9MAA to 9RZZ  Ning Xia

                        9SAA to 9XZZ  Xin Jiang

BM, BN         Taiwan  (Class 4 licences - VHF/UHF)                        24  44

BO             Taiwan                                                      24  44

BO1            Matzu Island                                                24  44

BO2            Kinmen Island                                               24  44

BQ             Taiwan                                                      24  24

BQ9P           Pratas Island                                               24  44

BS             China  (Provinces denoted by suffix - BA to BL)

BS7            Scarborough Reef                                            27  50

BT, BU         China  (Provinces denoted by suffix - BA to BL)

BV             Taiwan                                                      24  44

BVø            Taiwan - Special Event stations                             24  44

BV1            Taiwan  (Keelung and Ilan)                                  24  44

BV2            Taiwan  (Taipei City and Taipei County)                     24  44

BV3            Taiwan  (Hsinchu and Taoyuan)                               24  44

BV4            Taiwan  (Taichung and Miaoli)                               24  44

BV5            Taiwan  (Changhua, Nantou and Yunlin)                       24  44

BV6            Taiwan  (Chai and Tainan)                                   24  44

BV7            Taiwan  (Kaohsiung)                                         24  44

BV8            Taiwan  (Hualien, Pingtung and Taitung)                     24  44

BV9            Islands near Taiwan                                         24  44

BV9A           Penhu Island                                                24  44

BV9G           Green Island                                                24  44

BV9O           Orchid Island                                               24  44

BV9P           Pratas Island                                               24  44

BV9S           Spratly Island (See also 1S, 9Mø and DXø)                   26  50

BW             China  (Provinces denoted by suffix - BA to BL)

BX             Taiwan                                                      24  44

BY, BZ         China  (Provinces denoted by suffix - BA to BL)

CøA to CøZ     Not allocated by ITU

C1A to C1Z     Not allocated by ITU

C2A to C2Z     Nauru

C2             Nauru                                                       31  65

C3A to C3Z     Andorra

C3             Andorra                                                     14  27

C3ø            Andorra  (Foreign operators)                                14  27

C31            Andorra  (Residents, Full licence)                          14  27

C32            Andorra  (Residents, No HF operation allowed)               14  27

C33            Andorra  (Residents, Novices with restrictions on HF use)   14  27

C37            Andorra  (Club Stations)                                    14  27

C4A to C4Z     Cyprus

C4             Cyprus                                                      20  39

C5A to C5Z     The Gambia

C5, C5ø, C53

C56            The Gambia                                                  35  46

C6A to C6Z     Bahamas

C6             Bahamas                                                      8  11

C7A to C7Z     World Meteorological Organisation

C8A to C9Z     Mozambique

C8, C9         Mozambique                                                  37  53

C9             Manchuria  (Prefix no longer used - now BV)                 24  44

CAA to CEZ     Chile

CA             Chile

CAøX           San Felix Island and San Ambrosia Island                    12  14

CAøY           Easter Island                                               12  63

CAøZ           Juan Fernandez Island (Robinson Crusoe Island)              12  14

CB             Chile

CBøX           San Felix Island and San Ambrosia Island                    12  14

CBøY           Easter Island                                               12  63

CBøZ           Juan Fernandez Island (Robinson Crusoe Island)              12  14

CC             Chile

CCøX           San Felix Island and San Ambrosia Island                    12  14

CCøY           Easter Island                                               12  63

CCøZ           Juan Fernandez Island (Robinson Crusoe Island)              12  14

CD             Chile

CDøX           San Felix Island and San Ambrosia Island                    12  14

CDøY           Easter Island                                               12  63

CDøZ           Juan Fernandez Island (Robinson Crusoe Island)              12  14

CE             Chile


CEøF           Easter Island                                               12  63


CEøO           Juan Fernandez Island (Robinson Crusoe Island)              12  14

CEøX           San Felix Island and San Ambrosia Island                    12  14

CEøY           Easter Island                                               12  63

CEøZ           Juan Fernandez Island (Robinson Crusoe Island)              12  14

CE1            Chile  (Antofagasta, Atacama, Tarapaca)                     12  14

CE2            Chile  (Aconcagua, Coquimbo)                                12  14

CE3            Chile  (Santiago)                                           12  14

CE4            Chile  (Maule, Liberatador)                                 12  14

CE5            Chile  (Bio-Bio)                                            12  14

CE6            Chile  (Araucania)                                          12  14

CE7            Chile  (Aysen, Los Lagos)                                   12  16

CE8            Chile  (Magallanes, Tierra del Fuego)                       12  16

CE9            South Shetland Islands                                      13  73

CFA to CKZ     Canada

CF             Optionally replaced VA  }

CG             Optionally replaced VE  } Only used during December 2006 and

CH             Optionally replaced VO  } January 2007 to commemorate the

CIø            Optionally replaced VYø } centenary of Reginald Fessenden's

CI1            Optionally replaced VY1 } first AM voice broadcast in 1906

CI2            Optionally replaced VY2 }

CJ, CK         Canada  (Provinces denoted by number - see "VE")

CLA to CMZ     Cuba

CL, CM         Cuba  (Areas denoted by number - see "CO")                   8  11

CNA to CNZ     Morocco

CN             Morocco                                                     33  37

CNø            Morocco  (Visitors)                                         33  37

CN8            Morocco  (Residents)                                        33  37

COA to COZ     Cuba

CO             Cuba  (Areas denoted by number - see below)                  8  11

COø            Cuba  (Special Event and Club Stations)                      8  11

CO1            Cuba  (Pinar del Rio)                                        8  11

CO2            Cuba  (Havana City)                                          8  11

CO3            Cuba  (Havana)                                               8  11

CO4            Cuba  (Islas de Juvenfud)                                    8  11

CO5            Cuba  (Matanzas)                                             8  11

CO6            Cuba  (Clenfuegos, Villa Clara, Sancti Spirit)               8  11

CO7            Cuba  (Camaguey, Ciego de Avila)                             8  11

CO8            Cuba  (Granma, Guantanamo, Holguin, Las Tunas)               8  11

CPA to CPZ     Bolivia

CPø            Bolivia  (Special Calls)                                    10

CP1            Bolivia  (La Pas)                                           10

CP2            Bolivia  (Chuquisaca)                                       10

CP3            Bolivia  (Oruro)                                            10

CP4            Bolivia  (Potosi)                                           10

CP5            Bolivia  (Cochabamba)                                       10

CP6            Bolivia  (Santa Cruz)                                       10

CP7            Bolivia  (Tarija)                                           10

CP8            Bolivia  (Beni)                                             10

CP9            Bolivia  (Pando)                                            10

CQA to CUZ     Portugal

CQ             Portugal                                                    14  37

CQø            Portugal  (Club calls)                                      14  37

CQ1            Azores  (Club calls)                                        14  36

CQ2            Madeira  (Club calls)                                       33  36

CQ3            Madeira  (Special occasion and contest calls)               33  36

CQ7            Portugal  (Special occasion and contest calls)              14  37

CQ8            Azores  (Special occasion and contest calls)                14  36

CQ9            Madeira  (Special occasion and contest calls)               33  36

CR             Portugal                                                    14  37

CR             Portugal  (National Civil Protection Service - prefix no

                         longer used for this purpose)                     14  37

CR1, CR2       Azores  (Special occasion and contest calls)                14  36

CR3            Madeira  (Special occasion and contest calls)               33  36

CR3            Guinea Bissau  (Prefix no longer used - now J5)             35  46

CR4            Cape Verde  (Prefix no longer used - now D4)                35  46

CR5            Portugal  (Special occasion and contest calls)              14  37

CR5            Principe and Sao Thome  (Prefix no longer used - now S9)    36  47

CR5            Portugese Guinea  (Prefix no longer used)

CR6            Portugal  (Special occasion and contest calls)              14  37

CR6            Angola  (Prefix no longer used - now D2)                    36  52

CR7            Portugal  (New Class 3 licences)                            14  37

CR7            Mozambique  (Prefix no longer used - now C9)                37  53

CR8            Azores  (New Class 3 licences)                              14  36

CR8            Goa (Portugese India)  (Prefix no longer used - now VU)     22  41

CR9            Madeira  (New Class 3 licences)                             33  36

CR9            Macao  (Prefix no longer used - now XX9)                    24  44

CR1ø           Timor  (Prefix no longer used - now YB9)                    28  54

CS             Portugal                                                    14  37

CS2            Portugal  (Special occasion and contest calls)              14  37

CS3            Madeira  (Club calls)                                       33  36

CS4            Azores  (Club calls)                                        14  36

CS5            Portugal  (Club calls)                                      14  37

CS7            Portugal  (New Class 2 licence)                             14  37

CS8            Azores  (New Class 2 licence)                               14  36

CS9            Madeira  (New Class 2 licence)                              33  36

CT             Portugal                                                    14  37

CT1, CT2       Portugal                                                    14  37

CT3            Madeira                                                     33  36

CT4, CT5       Portugal                                                    14  37

CT7            Portugal  (New Class 1 licences)                            14  37

CT8            Azores  (New Class 1 licence)                               14  36

CT9            Madeira  (New Class 1 licence)                              33  36

CU             Azores                                                      14  36

CUø            Azores  (Repeaters)                                         14  36

CU1            Azores  (Santa Maria)                                       14  36

CU2            Azores  (Sao Miguel)                                        14  36

CU3            Azores  (Terceria)                                          14  36

CU4            Azores  (Graciosa)                                          14  36

CU5            Azores  (Sao Jorge)                                         14  36

CU6            Azores  (Pico)                                              14  36

CU7            Azores  (Faial)                                             14  36

CU8            Azores  (Flores)                                            14  36

CU9            Azores  (Corvo)                                             14  36

CVA to CXZ     Uruguay

CV, CW, CX     Uruguay                                                     13  14

CXø            South Shetlands Islands  (Uraguian Base at Artigas)         13  73

CXnAxx, CXnBxx,

CXnCxx         Uruguay  (Montevideo)                                       13  14

CXnDxx         Uruguay  (Canelones)                                        13  14

CXnExx         Uruguay  (San Jose)                                         13  14

CXnFxx         Uruguay  (Colonia)                                          13  14

CXnGxx         Uruguay  (Soriano)                                          13  14

CXnHxx         Uruguay  (Rio Negro)                                        13  14

CXnIxx         Uruguay  (Paysandu)                                         13  14

CXnJxx         Uruguay  (Salto)                                            13  14

CXnKxx         Uruguay  (Artigas)                                          13  14

CXnLxx         Uruguay  (Florida)                                          13  14

CXnMxx         Uruguay  (Flores)                                           13  14

CXnNxx         Uruguay  (Durazno)                                          13  14

CXnOxx         Uruguay  (Tacuarembo)                                       13  14

CXnPxx         Uruguay  (Rivera)                                           13  14

CXnRxx         Uruguay  (Maldonado)                                        13  14

CXnSxx         Uruguay  (Lavalleja)                                        13  14

CXnTxx         Uruguay  (Rocha)                                            13  14

CXnUxx         Uruguay  (Treinta y Tres)                                   13  14

CXnVxx         Uruguay  (Cerro Largo)                                      13  14

CXnZxx         Uruguay  (Portable stations)                                13  14


CYA to CZZ     Canada

CY             Canada  (Provinces denoted by number - see "VE")

CYø            Canada, Sable Island                                         5   9

CY9            Canada, Saint Paul Island                                    5   9

CZ             Canada  (Provinces denoted by number - see "VE")

DøA to DøZ     Not allocated by ITU

D1A to D1Z     Not allocated by ITU

D2A to D3Z     Angola

D2, D3         Angola                                                      36  52

D4A to D4Z     Cape Verde

D4             Cape Verde                                                  35  46

D5A to D5Z     Liberia

D5             Liberia                                                     35  46

D6A to D6Z     Comoros

D6, D68        Comoros                                                     39  53

D7A to D9Z     South Korea

D7, D8, D9     South Korea                                                 25  44

DAA to DRZ     Germany

D              Germany (Prefix no longer used - now DA to DR)              14  28

DA             Germany                                                     14  28

DAø            Germany  (Club Stations)                                    14  28

DA1, DA2, DA3,

DA4, DA5, DA6,

DA7, DA8, DA9  Germany  (Non-German NATO personnel - HF and VHF licences)  14  28

DB             Germany  (Originally VHF only but now HF and VHF)           14  28

DBø            Germany  (Repeaters, beacons and Club Stations              14  28

DB1, DB2, DB3,

DB4, DB5, DB6,

DB7, DB8, DB9, 

DC, DD         Germany  (Originally VHF only but now HF and VHF)           14  28

DE             Germany  (Examined SWLs)                                    14  28

DF             Germany                                                     14  28

DFø            Germany  (Club Stations)                                    14  28

DF1, DF2, DF3,

DF4, DF5, DF6,

DF7, DF8, DF9  Germany  (Individual licences with full privileges)         14  28

DG, DH         Germany  (Originally VHF only but now HF and VHF)           14  28

DI             Germany  (Experimental licences)                            14  28

DJ             Germany                                                     14  28

DJø            Germany  (Foreign residents - full priviliges)              14  28

DJ1, DJ2, DJ3,

DJ4, DJ5, DJ6,

DJ7, DJ8, DJ9  Germany  (German citizens - full priviliges)                14  28

DK             Germany                                                     14  28

DKø            Germany  (Club Stations)                                    14  28

DK1, DK2, DK3,

DK4, DK5, DK6,

DK7, DK8, DK9  Germany  (Individual licences with full privileges)         14  28

DL             Germany                                                     14  28

DLø            Germany  (Club Stations)                                    14  28

DL1, DL2, DL3,

DL4, DL5, DL6,

DL7, DL8, DL9  Germany  (Individual licences with full privileges)         14  28

DM             Germany  (Licences originally issued by the East German

                         Authorities, prior to unification)                14  28

DN             Germany  (Training callsigns to be used only by trainees)   14  28

DO             Germany  (Low power 2m and 70cms stations)                  14  28

DP             Germany

DPø, DP1, DP2  Germany  (Expeditionary stations in space or Antarctica)

DP3x, DP4x,

DP5x, DP6x,

DP7x, DP8x,

DP9x           Germany  (Short callsigns for use by Club Stations)         14  28

DQ, DR         Germany  (Originally special stations but now being

                         generally issued)                                 14  28

DSA to DTZ     South Korea

DS, DT         South Korea                                                 25  44

DUA to DZZ     Philippines

DU             Philippines                                                 27  50

DUø            Philippines  (Special Event stations)                       27  50

DU1            Philippines  (Manila, Southern Tagalog)                     27  50

DU2            Philippines  (Ilcos, Cagayan Valley, Autonomous Region of

                             Cordillera)                                   27  50

DU3            Philippines  (Central Luzon)                                27  50

DU4            Philippines  (Bicol)                                        27  50

DU5            Philippines  (Eastern Visayas)                              27  50

DU6            Philippines  (Western Visayas)                              27  50

DU7            Philippines  (Central Visayas)                              27  50

DU8            Philippines  (Western Mindanao, Central Mindana0)           27  50

DU9            Philippines  (Northern Mindanao, Southern Mindanao)         27  50

DV, DW         Philippines                                                 27  50

DXø            Phillipines  (Palawan, Kalayaan Islands, Spratly Islands)   26  50

DY, DZ         Philippines    

EøA to EøZ     Not allocated by ITU

E1A to E1Z     Not allocated by ITU

E2A to E2Z     Thailand

E2             Thailand                                                    26  49

E3A to E3Z     Eritrea

E3             Eritrea                                                     37  48

E4A to E4Z     Palestinian Authority

E4             Palestinian Authority  (Palestine - West Bank)              20  39

E44            Palestinian Authority  (Palestine - Gaza)                   20  39

E5A to E5Z     Cook Islands

E5             North Cook Islands                                          32  62

E5             South Cook Islands                                          32  63

E51            Rarotonga                                                   32  63

E6A to E6Z     Not allocated by ITU

E7A to E7Z     Bosnia and Herzegovina

E7             Bosnia and Herzegovina                                      15  28

E74            Bosnia and Herzegovina                                      15  28

E8A to E8Z     Not allocated by ITU

E9A to E9Z     Not allocated by ITU

EAA to EHZ     Spain

EA             Spain                                                       14  37

EAø            Equatorial Guinea  (Prefix no longer used - now 3C)         36  47

EA1            Spain  (La Rioja, Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria,

                       Castilla-Leon)                                      14  37

EA2            Spain  (Aragon, Euskadi, Navarra)                           14  37

EA3            Spain  (Cataluna)                                           14  37

EA4            Spain  (Madrid, Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura)            14  37

EA5            Spain  (Pals Valenciano)                                    14  37

EA6            Balearic Islands                                            14  37

EA7            Spain  (Andalucia)                                          14  37

EA8            Canary Islands                                              33  36

EA9            Ceuta and Melilla                                           33  37

EB             Spain                                                       14  37

EB1            Spain  (La Rioja, Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria,

                       Castilla-Leon)                                      14  37

EB2            Spain  (Aragon, Euskadi, Navarra)                           14  37

EB3            Spain  (Cataluna)                                           14  37

EB4            Spain  (Madrid, Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura)            14  37

EB5            Spain  (Pals Valenciano)                                    14  37

EB6            Balearic Islands                                            14  37

EB7            Spain  (Andalucia)                                          14  37

EB8            Canary Islands                                              33  36

EB9            Ceuta and Melilla                                           33  37

EC             Spain                                                       14  37

EC1            Spain  (La Rioja, Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria,

                       Castilla-Leon)                                      14  37

EC2            Spain  (Aragon, Euskadi, Navarra)                           14  37

EC3            Spain  (Cataluna)                                           14  37

EC4            Spain  (Madrid, Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura)            14  37

EC5            Spain  (Pals Valenciano)                                    14  37

EC6            Balearic Islands                                            14  37

EC7            Spain  (Andalucia)                                          14  37

EC8            Canary Islands                                              33  36

EC9            Ceuta and Melilla                                           33  37

ED             Spain                                                       14  37

ED1            Spain  (La Rioja, Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria,

                       Castilla-Leon)                                      14  37

ED2            Spain  (Aragon, Euskadi, Navarra)                           14  37

ED3            Spain  (Cataluna)                                           14  37

ED4            Spain  (Madrid, Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura)            14  37

ED5            Spain  (Pals Valenciano, Tabarca Island)                    14  37

ED6            Balearic Islands                                            14  37

ED7            Spain  (Andalucia)                                          14  37

ED8            Canary Islands                                              33  36

ED9            Ceuta and Melilla                                           33  37

EE             Spain                                                       14  37

EE1            Spain  (La Rioja, Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria,

                       Castilla-Leon)                                      14  37

EE2            Spain  (Aragon, Euskadi, Navarra)                           14  37

EE3            Spain  (Cataluna)                                           14  37

EE4            Spain  (Madrid, Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura)            14  37

EE5            Spain  (Pals Valenciano)                                    14  37

EE6            Balearic Islands                                            14  37

EE7            Spain  (Andalucia)                                          14  37

EE8            Canary Islands                                              33  36

EE9            Ceuta and Melilla                                           33  37

EF             Spain                                                       14  37

EF1            Spain  (La Rioja, Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria,

                       Castilla-Leon)                                      14  37

EF2            Spain  (Aragon, Euskadi, Navarra)                           14  37

EF3            Spain  (Cataluna)                                           14  37

EF4            Spain  (Madrid, Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura)            14  37

EF5            Spain  (Pals Valenciano)                                    14  37

EF6            Balearic Islands                                            14  37

EF7            Spain  (Andalucia)                                          14  37

EF8            Canary Islands                                              33  36

EF9            Ceuta and Melilla, Ifni                                     33  37

EG             Spain                                                       14  37

EG1            Spain  (La Rioja, Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria,

                       Castilla-Leon)                                      14  37

EG2            Spain  (Aragon, Euskadi, Navarra)                           14  37

EG3            Spain  (Cataluna)                                           14  37

EG4            Spain  (Madrid, Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura)            14  37

EG5            Spain  (Pals Valenciano)                                    14  37

EG6            Balearic Islands                                            14  37

EG7            Spain  (Andalucia)                                          14  37

EG8            Canary Islands                                              33  36

EG9            Ceuta and Melilla                                           33  37

EH             Spain                                                       14  37

EH1            Spain  (La Rioja, Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria,

                       Castilla-Leon)                                      14  37

EH2            Spain  (Aragon, Euskadi, Navarra)                           14  37

EH3            Spain  (Cataluna)                                           14  37

EH4            Spain  (Madrid, Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura)            14  37

EH5            Spain  (Pals Valenciano)                                    14  37

EH6            Balearic Islands                                            14  37

EH7            Spain  (Andalucia)                                          14  37

EH8            Canary Islands                                              33  36

EH9            Ceuta and Melilla                                           33  37

EIA to EJZ     Irish Republic (Eire)

EI             Irish Republic (Eire)                                       14  27

EJ             Irish Republic (Eire)  (Offshore Islands)                   14  27

EKA to EKZ     Armenia

EK             Armenia                                                     21  29

EK             Tangier Zone  (Prefix no longer used)                       33  37

ELA to ELZ     Liberia

EL             Liberia                                                     35  46

ELø            Liberia  (Novices and Club Stations)                        35  46

EL1            Liberia  (Grande Bassa, River Cess)                         35  46

EL2            Liberia  (Montserrado, Borni, Margibi)                      35  46

EL3            Liberia  (Sinoe)                                            35  46

EL4            Liberia  (Maryland, Grand Kru)                              35  46

EL5            Liberia  (Lofa)                                             35  36

EL6            Liberia  (Grand Gedeh)                                      35  46

EL7            Liberia  (Bong)                                             35  46

EL8            Liberia  (Nimba)                                            35  46

EL9            Liberia  (Grand Cape Mount)                                 35  46

EMA to EOZ     Ukraine

EM             Ukraine                                                     16  29


EM1L           Antarctica

EN, EO         Ukraine                                                     16  29

EPA to EQZ     Iran

EP, EQ         Iran                                                        21  40

ERA to ERZ     Moldova

ER             Moldova                                                     16  29

ERø            Moldova  (Foreign visitors)                                 16  29

ER1            Moldova  (Kishinev, Dubossary, Orgeev, Khyncheshty)         16  29

ER2            Moldova  (Tiraspol, Bendery, Kaushany)                      16  29

ER3            Moldova  (Beltsy, Rybnitsa, Floreshti)                      16  29

ER4            Moldova  (Yedinsky, Drokia, Soroki)                         16  29

ER5            Moldova  (Kagul, Komrat, Leovo, Chadyr-Lunga)

ESA to ESZ     Estonia

ES             Estonia                                                     15  29

ESø            Estonia  (Western coastal islands)                          15  29

ES1            Estonia  (Tallin and Northern coastal islands)              15  29

ES2            Estonia  (Harju)                                            15  29

ES3            Estonia  (Haapsalu, Rapla, Palde)                           15  29

ES4            Estonia  (Kohtia-Jarve, Narva, Rakvere)                     15  29

ES5            Estonia  (Tartu, Jogeva)                                    15  29

ES6            Estonia  (Polva, Valga, Voru)                               15  29

ES7            Estonia  (Viljandi)                                         15  29

ES8            Estonia  (Parnu)                                            15  29

ES9            Estonia  (Special calls)                                    15  29

ETA to ETZ     Ethiopia

ET             Ethiopia                                                    37  48

EUA to EWZ     Belarus

EU             Belarus                                                     16  29

EUø            Belarus  (Foreign visitors)                                 16  29

EU1            Belarus  (Minsk)                                            16  29

EU2            Belarus  (Minskaya oblast)                                  16  29

EU3            Belarus  (Brestskaya oblast)                                16  29

EU4            Belarus  (Grodnenskaya oblast)                              16  29

EU6            Belarus  (Vitebskaya oblast)                                16  29

EU7            Belarus  (Mogilyovskaya oblast)                             16  29

EU8            Belarus  (Gomelskaya oblast)                                16  29

EV             Belarus                                                     16  29

EVø            Belarus  (Foreign visitors)                                 16  29

EV1            Belarus  (Minsk)                                            16  29

EV2            Belarus  (Minskaya oblast)                                  16  29

EV3            Belarus  (Brestskaya oblast)                                16  29

EV4            Belarus  (Grodnenskaya oblast)                              16  29

EV5            Belarus  (Special calls)                                    16  29

EV6            Belarus  (Vitebskaya oblast)                                16  29

EV7            Belarus  (Mogilyovskaya oblast)                             16  29

EV8            Belarus  (Gomelskaya oblast)                                16  29

EW             Belarus                                                     16  29

EWø            Belarus  (Foreign visitors)                                 16  29

EW1            Belarus  (Minsk)                                            16  29

EW2            Belarus  (Minskaya oblast)                                  16  29

EW3            Belarus  (Brestskaya oblast)                                16  29

EW4            Belarus  (Grodnenskaya oblast)                              16  29

EW6            Belarus  (Vitebskaya oblast)                                16  29

EW7            Belarus  (Mogilyovskaya oblast)                             16  29

EW8            Belarus  (Gomelskaya oblast)                                16  29

EXA to EXZ     Kyrgyzstan

EX             Kyrgyzstan                                                  17  30

EXnMx          Kyrgyzstan  (Chuyskaya oblast, Bishkek)                     17  30

EXnNx          Kyrgyzstan  (Osh Region)                                    17  30

EXnPx          Kyrgyzstan  (Naryn Region)                                  17  30

EXnQx          Kyrgyzstan  (Issyk-kulskaya oblast, Przhevalsk)             17  30

EXnTx          Kyrgyzstan  (Talas Region)                                  17  30

EXnVx          Kyrgyzstan  (Dzhalal-Abad Region)                           17  30

EXøA           Kyrgyzstan  (Kyrgyzstan Amateur Union HQ station)           17  30

EXøx           Kyrgyzstan  (Extra Class Licences)                          17  30

EX1            Kyrgyzstan  (Expeditions)

EX2x           Kyrgyzstan  (Extra Class Licences)                          17  30

EX2, EX3, EX5  Kyrgyzstan  (Expeditions)

EX6x, EX7x,

EX8x           Kyrgyzstan  (1st Class Licences)                            17  30

EX8xx          Kyrgyzstan  (2nd and 3rd Class Licences)                    17  30

EX9Wx          Kyrgyzstan  (Club Stations)                                 17  30

EX9Xx          Kyrgyzstan  (Club Stations)                                 17  30

EX9Yx          Kyrgyzstan  (Club Stations)                                 17  30

EX9Zx          Kyrgyzstan  (Club Stations)                                 17  30

EYA to EYZ     Tadjikistan

EY             Tadjikistan                                                 17  30

EYø, EY1, EY2,

EY3            Tadjikistan  (Tadjikistan Amateur Radio League)             17  30

EY4            Tadjikistan  (Gornyj Region)                                17  30

EY5            Tadjikistan  (Kulab City Region)                            17  30

EY6            Tadjikistan  (Kurgan-Tyube City Region)                     17  30

EY7            Tadjikistan  (Khujant City Region)                          17  30

EY8            Tadjikistan  (Dushanbe City)                                17  30

EY9            Tadjikistan  (Dushanbe Region)                              17  30

EZA to EZZ     Turkmenistan

EZ             Turkmenistan                                                17  30











EZnU, EZnV     Turkmenistan  (Single suffix letter Club Station callsigns) 17  30


EZnY, EZnZ     Turkmenistan  (Single suffix letter contest callsigns)      17  30

EZø            Turkmenistan  (Foreign visitors)                            17  30

EZ1, EZ2       Turkmenistan  (Reserved)                                    17  30

EZ3            Turkmenistan  (Veloyat Akhai, Ashgabad Region)              17  30

EZ4            Turkmenistan  (Veloyat Balkan)                              17  30

EZ5            Turkmenistan  (Veloyrat Mary)                               17  30

EZ6            Turkmenistan  (Veloyrat Dashkhovuz)                         17  30

EZ7            Turkmenistan  (Veloyrat Lebap)                              17  30

EZ8            Turkmenistan  (Ashgabad City)                               17  30

EZ9            Turkmenistan  (Reserved)                                    17  30

FAA to FZZ     France

F              France                                                      14  27

FA             Algeria  (Prefix no longer used - now 7X)                   33  37

FB             France                                                      14  37

FB8            Madagascar  (Prefix no longer used - now 5R)                39  53


FB8Y, FB8Z     Prefixes no longer used - now FT                            39  68

FC             Corsica  (Prefix no longer used - now TK)                   15  28

FD             France                                                      14  27

FD8            French Togoland  (Prefix no longer used - now 5V)           35  46

FE             France                                                      14  27

FE8            French Cameroons  (Prefix no longer used - now TJ)          36  47

FF             France                                                      14  27

FF8            French West Africa  (Prefix no longer used)

FG             Guadeloupe                                                   8  11

FH             Mayotte                                                     39  53

FHnC           Comoros  (Prefix no longer used - now D6)                   39  53

FI8            French Indo China  (Prefix no longer used)

FJ             Saint Martin and Saint Barthelemy                            8  11

FK             New Caledonia and Chesterfield Island                       32  56

FL             Afars & Issas Territories  (Prefix no longer used - now J2) 37  48

FL8            French Somaliland  (Prefix no longer used - now J2)         37  48

FM             Martinique                                                   8  11

FN8            French India  (Prefix no longer used)

FO             Tahiti, Marquesas Island, Austral Islands                   32  63

FO5A/MM        Special call used by the operators of the 2008 Clipperton

               Island DX-pedition while en-route to the Island

FOnC           Clipperton Island (Prefix no longer used - now TX5)          7  10

FP             Saint Pierre Miquelon                                        5   9

FQ8            French Equatorial Africa  (Prefix no longer used)           36  47

FR             Reunion                                                     39  53

FRnG           Glorioso Island                                             39  53

FRnJ           Juan De Nova and Europa Island                              39  53

FRnT           Tromelin Island                                             39  53

FS             Saint Martin                                                 8  11

FTøW           Crozet Island                                               39  68

FTøX           Kerguelen Island                                            39  68

FTøZ           Amsterdam and Saint Paul Islands                            39  68

FT2W           Crozet Island                                               39  68

FT2X           Kerguelen Island                                            39  68

FT2Z           Amsterdam and Saint Paul Islands                            39  68

FT4            Tunisia  (Prefix no longer used - now 3V)                   33  37

FT5W           Crozet Island                                               39  68

FT5X           Kerguelen Island                                            39  68

FT5Z           Amsterdam and Saint Paul Islands                            39  68

FT8W           Crozet Island                                               39  68

FT8X           Kerguelen Island                                            39  68

FT8Y           Antarctica

FT8Z           Amsterdam and Saint Paul Islands                            39  68

FU             France                                                      14  27

FU8            New Hebrides  (Prefix no longer used - now YJ)              32  56

FV             France                                                      14  27

FW             Wallis Island, Futuna Island                                32  62

FX             French amateur radio satellites

FY             French Guiana                                                9  12

GAA to GZZ     United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

               (Including Isle of Man and Channel Islands)

G              England (Full Licence Grade)                                14  27

G              Isle of Man  (Prefix no longer used - now GD)               14  27

GA             Special prefix, for use during the "Homecoming Scotland"

               programme, only available by NOV until November 30 2009 and

               only available to stations permanently located in Scotland

               (Full Licence Grade)                                        14  27

GB             Special Event Stations, beacons, repeaters, packet nodes

               etc. in the UK, Channel Islands and Isle of Man             14  27

GB5ø           Callsign used by station located at Winsor Castle, in

               June 2002, to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of Her Majesty

               Queen Elizabeth II. (Callsign had a non-standard format, as

               there was no suffix)                                        14  27

GC             Wales (Clubs)                                               14  27

GC             Channel Islands  (Prefix no longer used - now GJ and GU)

GD             Isle of Man (Full Licence Grade)                            14  27

GE             Special prefix only used between 04.06.77 and 12.06.77 to

               commemorate the Silver Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen

               Elizabeth II                                                14  27


GG100xx        Special prefixes to be used between 01.09.09 and 20.10.10

               to commemorate the centenary of the Girl Guide movement     14  27

GH             Jersey (Clubs)                                              14  27

GI             Northern Ireland (Full Licence Grade)                       14  27

GJ             Jersey (Full Licence Grade)                                 14  27

GM             Scotland (Full Licence Grade)                               14  27

GN             Northern Ireland (Clubs)                                    14  27

GP             Guernsey and Dependencies(Clubs)                            14  27

GQ             Special prefix only used during June 2002 to commemorate

               the Golden Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II        14  27

GS             Scotland (Clubs)                                            14  27

GT             Isle Of Man (Clubs)                                         14  27

GU             Guernsey and Dependencies (Full Licence Grade)              14  27

GW             Wales (Full Licence Grade)                                  14  27

GX             England (Clubs)                                             14  27

GZnx           Shetland Islands  (Single letter suffix contest callsigns.

                                  Prefix no longer used)                   14  27

HøA to HøZ     Not allocated by ITU

H1A to H1Z     Not allocated by ITU

H2A to H2Z     Cyprus

H2             Cyprus                                                      20  29

H3A to H3Z     Panama

H3             Panama                                                       7  11

H4A to H4Z     Solomon Islands

H4             Solomon Islands                                             28  51

H4ø            Temotu Island                                               32  51

H44            Guadalcanal Island                                          28  51

H5A to H5Z     Not allocated by ITU

H5             Bophuthatswana   (Unofficial prefix)                        38  57

H6A to H7Z     Nicaragua

H6, H7         Nicaragua                                                    7  11

H8A to H9Z     Panama

H8, H9         Panama                                                       7  11

HAA to HAZ     Hungary

HA             Hungary                                                     15  28

HAø            Hungary  (Debrecen City, Hajdu-Bihar, Szaboics-Szatmar)     15  28

HA1            Hungary  (Gyor City, Gyor-Sopron, Vas, Zala)                15  28

HA2            Hungary  (Komarom Esztergom, Veszprem)                      15  28

HA3            Hungary  (Baranya, Somogy, Tolna, Pecs City)                15  28

HA4            Hungary  (Fejer)                                            15  28

HA5            Hungary  (Budapest City)                                    15  28

HA6            Hungary  (Heves, Nograd)                                    15  28

HA7            Hungary  (Pest, Jasz Nagykun Szolnok)                       15  28

HA8            Hungary  (Bacs-Kiscun, Csongrad, Bekes, Szeged City)        15  28

HA9            Hungary  (Borsod Abauj Zemplen, Miskolc City)               15  28

HBA to HBZ     Switzerland

HB             Switzerland                                                 14  28

HBø            Liechtenstein                                               14  28

HCA to HDZ     Ecuador

HC             Ecuador                                                     10  12

HC1            Ecuador  (Carchi, Imbabura, Pichincha)                      10  12

HC2            Ecuador  (Guyas, Los Rios)                                  10  12

HC3            Ecuador  (Loja, El Oro, Zamora Chinchipe)                   10  12

HC4            Ecuador  (Esmeraldas, Manabi)                               10  12

HC5            Ecuador  (Azuay, Canar, Morona Santiago)                    10  12

HC6            Ecuador  (Bolivar, Chimborazo, Cotopaxi, Tungurahua)        10  12

HC7            Ecuador  (Napo, Pastaza, Sucumbios)                         10  12

HC8            Galapagos Islands                                           10  12

HD             Ecuador                                                     10  12

HD8            Galapagos Islands                                           10  12

HEA to HEZ     Switzerland

HE             Switzerland                                                 14  28

HEø            Liechtenstein                                               14  28

HFA to HFZ     Poland

HF             Poland  (Special calls)                                     15  28

HFø            South Shetland Islands                                      13  73

HGA to HGZ     Hungary

HG             Hungary                                                     15  28

HHA to HHZ     Haiti

HH             Haiti                                                        8  11

HIA to HIZ     Dominican Republic

HI             Dominican Republic                                           8  11

HIø            Dominican Republic  (Club Stations)                          8  11

HI1            Dominican Republic  (Isla Beata)                             8  11

HI2            Dominican Republic  (Isla Saona, Isla Catalina)              8  11

HI3            Dominican Republic  (Duarte, Espaillat, La Vega,

                                    Puerto Plata, Salcedo, Sanchez)         8  11

HI4            Dominican Republic  (Dajabon, Montecristi, Valverde)         8  11

HI5            Dominican Republic  (Bahoruco, Barahona, Independencia,

                                    Pedernales)                             8  11

HI6            Dominican Republic  (Azua, San Juan, Elias Pina)             8  11

HI7            Dominican Republic  (La Altagracia, La Romana, El Selbo,

                                    San Pedro de Macoris)                   8  11

HI8            Dominican Republic  (Santo Domingo, Peravia, San Cristobal)  8  11

HI9            Dominican Republic  (Samana, Maria Trinidad Sanchez)         8  11

HJA to HKZ     Colombia

HJ             Colombia                                                     9  12

HJø            San Andreas and Providencia                                  7  11

HK             Colombia                                                     9  12

HKøA           San Andreas and Providencia                                  7  11

HKøB           Bajo Nuevo                                                   

HKøM           Malpelo Island                                               9  12

HKøS           Serrana Bank                                                 9  12

HKøT           Malpelo Island                                               9  12

HK1            Colombia  (Atlantico, Bolivar, Cordoba, Sucre)               9  12

HK2            Colombia  (Cesar, La Guajira, Magdalena, Norte de Santander) 9  12

HK3            Colombia  (Bogata, Cundinamarca, Guaviare, Meta)             9  12

HK4            Colombia  (Antioquia, Choco)                                 9  12

HK5            Colombia  (Cauca, Valle del Cauca)                           9  12

HK6            Colombia  (Caldas, Huila, Quindio, Risaralda, Tolima)        9  12

HK7            Colombia  (Arauca, Boyaca, Casanare, Santander)              9  12

HK8            Colombia  (Caqueta, Narino, Putumayo)                        9  12

HK9            Colombia  (Amazonas, Guainia, Vaupes)                        9  12

HLA to HLZ     South Korea

HL             South Korea                                                 25  44

HLø            South Korea  (Club Stations)                                25  44

HL1            South Korea  (Seoul City)                                   25  44

HL2            South Korea  (Kyounggl, Kangwan, Inchon City)               25  44

HL3            South Korea  (North Chungchong, South Chungchong,

                             Taejon City)                                  25  44

HL4            South Korea  (North Cholla, South Cholla, Kwangju City)     25  44

HL5            South Korea  (North Kyongsang, South Kyongsang, Pusan City) 25  44

HL9            South Korea  (US personnel in South Korea)                  25  44

HMA to HMZ     North Korea

HM             North Korea                                                 25  44

HNA to HNZ     Iraq

HN             Iraq                                                        21  39

HOA to HPZ     Panama

HO, HP         Panama                                                       7  11

HPø            Panama  (Special Event stations)                             7  11

HP1            Panama  (Panama City)                                        7  11

HP2            Panama  (San Blas)                                           7  11

HP3            Panama  (Chiriqui)                                           7  11

HP4            Panama  (Bocas del Toro, Cocle)                              7  11

HP5            Panama  (Herrera, Los Santos)                                7  11

HP6            Panama  (Veragues)                                           7  11

HP7            Panama  (Darien)                                             7  11

HP8            Panama  (Perias Archipeligo, Colba Island)                   7  11

HP9            Panama  (Maritime stations)                                  7   11

HQA to HRZ     Honduras

HQ, HR         Honduras                                                     7  11

HRø            Honduras  (Foreign visitors)                                 7  11

HR1            Honduras  (Comayagua, La Paz, tegucigalpa)                   7  11

HR2            Honduras  (Cortez, Yoro)                                     7  11

HR3            Honduras  (Atlantida, El Paraiso, Olancho, Gracias a Dios,

                          Colon)                                            7  11

HR4            Honduras  (Choluteca, Vaile)                                 7  11

HR5            Honduras  (Copan, Santa Barbara, Ocotepeque, Lempira

                          Intibuca)                                         7  11

HR6            Honduras  (Bahia Island)                                     7  11

HSA to HSZ     Thailand

HS             Thailand                                                    26  49

HSø            Thailand  (Foreign visitors)                                26  49

HS1            Thailand  (Bangkok and neighbouring Provinces)              26  49

HS2            Thailand  (Eastern Provinces)                               26  49

HS3            Thailand  (Lower North Eastern Provinces)                   26  49

HS4            Thailand  (Upper North Eastern Provinces)                   26  49

HS5            Thailand  (Upper Northern Provences)                        26  49

HS6            Thailand  (Lower Northern Provinces)                        26  49

HS7            Thailand  (Western Provinces)                               26  49

HS8            Thailand  (Upper Southern Provinces)                        26  49

HS9            Thailand  (Lower Southern Provinces)                        26  49

HS72B          Thailand  (Special callsign commemorating the 72nd birthday 26  49

                          of HM The Queen of Thailand and used between

                          April and December 2004, with special permission

                          to operate on the 10MHz, 18MHz and 24MHz bands)

HTA to HTZ     Nicaragua

HT             Nicaragua                                                    7  11

HUA to HUZ     El Salvador

HU             El Salvador                                                  7  11

HVA to HVZ     Vatican City

HV             Vatican City                                                15  28

HWA to HYZ     France

HW, HX, HY     France                                                      14  27

HZA to HZZ     Saudi Arabia

HZ             Saudi Arabia                                                21  39

IAA to IZZ     Italy

I              Italy                                                       15  28

             Italy  (Lazio, Umbria)                                      15  28

I1             Italy  (Liguria, Plemonte)                                  15  28

I2             Italy  (Lombardia)                                          15  28

I3             Italy  (Veneto)                                             15  28

I4             Italy  (Emilia-Romagna)                                     15  28

I5             Italy  (Toscana)                                            15  28

I6             Italy  (Abruzzo, Marche)                                    15  28

I6             Eritrea  (Prefix no longer used - now E3)                   37  48

I7             Italy  (Puglia)                                             15  28

I8             Italy  (Basilicata, Calabria, Campania)                     15  28

IA             Italy                                                       15  28

IAø            Italy  (Antarctica, Terra Nova Bay)

IA1            Italy  (Liguria Islands)                                    15  28

IA2            Italy  (Laco Maggiore Islands)                              15  28

IA5            Italy  (Tuscan Archipeligo, Elba Island)                    15  28

IB             Italy                                                       15  28

IBø            Italy  (Ponza Island)                                       15  28

IC             Italy                                                       15  28

IC8            Italy  (Napoli Island, Capri, Ischia)                       15  28

ID             Italy                                                       15  28

ID7            Italy  (Saint Andrea Island)                                15  28

ID8            Italy  (Calabrian Islands)                                  15  28

ID9            Italy  (Eolie Island, Lipari Islands, Stromboli, Vulcano)   15  28

IE             Italy                                                       15  28

IE9            Italy  (Ustica Island)                                      15  28

IF             Italy                                                       15  28

IF9            Italy  (Egadi Island, Favignana)                            15  28

IG             Italy                                                       15  28

IG9            Italy  (Pelagian Islands, Lampedusa, Linosa)                33  37

IH             Italy                                                       15  28

IH9            Italy  (Pantelleria Island)                                 33  37

II, IJ         Italy                                                       15  28

IJ7            Italy  (Cheradi Islands, South Paola, South Pietro)         15  28

IK             Italy                                                       15  28

IKø            Italy  (Lazio, Umbria)                                      15  28

IK1            Italy  (Liguria, Plemonte)                                  15  28

IK2            Italy  (Lombardia)                                          15  28

IK3            Italy  (Veneto)                                             15  28

IK4            Italy  (Emilia-Romagna)                                     15  28

IK5            Italy  (Toscana)                                            15  28

IK6            Italy  (Abruzzo, Marche)                                    15  28

IK7            Italy  (Puglia)                                             15  28

IK8            Italy  (Basilicata, Calabria, Campania)                     15  28

IL             Italy                                                       15  28

IL7            Italy  (Tremity Island)                                     15  28

IM             Sardinia                                                    15  28

IN             Italy                                                       15  28

IN3            Italy  (Trentino, Alto Adige)                               15  28


IR             Italy  (Antarctica)                                         15  28

IS             Sardinia                                                    15  28

IT             Sicily                                                      15  28

IU, IV         Italy                                                       15  28

IV3            Italy  (Friull-Venezia Giulla)                              15  28

IW             Italy                                                       15  28

IWø            Italy  (Lazio, Umbria)                                      15  28

IW1            Italy  (Liguria, Plemonte)                                  15  28

IW2            Italy  (Lombardia)                                          15  28

IW3            Italy  (Veneto)                                             15  28

IW4            Italy  (Emilia-Romagna)                                     15  28

IW5            Italy  (Toscana)                                            15  28

IW6            Italy  (Abruzzo, Marche)                                    15  28

IW7            Italy  (Puglia)                                             15  28

IW8            Italy  (Basilicata, Calabria, Campania)                     15  28

IW9            Sicily                                                      15  28

IX             Italy                                                       15  28

IX1            Italy  (Valle D'Aosta)                                      15  28

IY             Italy  (Marconi Memorial stations)                          15  28

IYø            Sardinia                                                    15  28

IZ             Italy                                                       15  28

IZø            Italy  (Lazio, Umbria)                                      15  28

IZ1            Italy  (Liguria, Plemonte)                                  15  28

IZ2            Italy  (Lombardia)                                          15  28

IZ3            Italy  (Veneto)                                             15  28

IZ4            Italy  (Emilia-Romagna)                                     15  28

IZ5            Italy  (Toscana)                                            15  28

IZ6            Italy  (Abruzzo, Marche)                                    15  28

IZ7            Italy  (Puglia)                                             15  28

IZ8            Italy  (Basilicata, Calabria, Campania)                     15  28


 JøZ     Not allocated by ITU

J1A to J1Z     Not allocated by ITU

J2A to J2Z     Djibouti

J2             Djibouti                                                    37  48

J2A            Abu Ail                                                     37  48

J3A to J3Z     Grenada

J3             Grenada                                                      8  11

J4A to J4Z     Greece

J4             Greece                                                      20  28

J45            Dodecanese Islands                                          20  28

J49            Crete                                                       20  28

J5A to J5Z     Guinea Bissau

J5             Guinea Bissau                                               35  46

J6A to J6Z     St Lucia

J6             Saint Lucia                                                  8  11

J7A to J7Z     Dominica

J7             Dominica                                                     8  11

J8A to J8Z     St Vincent and the Grenadines

J8             Saint Vincent and The Grenadines                             8  11

J8             Chosen (Korea)  (Prefix no longer used - now HL)            25  44

J9             Taiwan (Formosa)  (Prefix no longer used - now BV)          24  44

J9A to J9Z     Not allocated by ITU

JAA to JSZ     Japan

J              Japan  (Prefix no longer used - now JA to JS)               25  45

JA             Japan                                                       25  45

JAø            Japan  (Nilgata, Nagamo)                                    25  45

JA1            Japan  (Tokio, Kanagawa, Chiba, Gunmar, Saitama, Ibaraki,

                       Tochigi, Yarr)                                      25  45

JA2            Japan  (Shizuoka, Gifu, Aichi, Mie)                         25  45

JA3            Japan  (Kyoto, Shiga, Nara, Osaka, Wakayama, Hyogo)         25  45

JA4            Japan  (Okayama, Shimane, Yamaguchi, Tottori, Hiroshima)    25  45

JA5            Japan  (Kagawa, Tokushima, Ehime, Kochi)                    25  45

JA6            Japan  (Fukuoka, Sega, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Oita, Miyazaki,

                       Kagoshima)                                          25  45

JA7            Japan  (Aomori, Iwate, Akita, Yamagata, Miyagi, Fukushima)  25  45

JA8            Japan  (Hokkaido)                                           25  45

JA9            Japan  (Toyama, Fukui, Ishikawa)                            25  45

JB, JC         Japan                                                       25  45

JD1            Minami Torishima                                            27  90

JDnO           Ogasawara Islands                                           27  45

JE             Japan                                                       25  45

JEø            Japan  (Nilgata, Nagamo)                                    25  45

JE1            Japan  (Tokio, Kanagawa, Chiba, Gunmar, Saitama, Ibaraki,

                       Tochigi, Yarr)                                      25  45

JE2            Japan  (Shizuoka, Gifu, Aichi, Mie)                         25  45

JE3            Japan  (Kyoto, Shiga, Nara, Osaka, Wakayama, Hyogo)         25  45

JE4            Japan  (Okayama, Shimane, Yamaguchi, Tottori, Hiroshima)    25  45

JE5            Japan  (Kagawa, Tokushima, Ehime, Kochi)                    25  45

JE6            Japan  (Fukuoka, Sega, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Oita, Miyazaki,

                       Kagoshima)                                          25  45

JE7            Japan  (Aomori, Iwate, Akita, Yamagata, Miyagi, Fukushima)  25  45

JE8            Japan  (Hokkaido)                                           25  45

JE9            Japan  (Toyama, Fukui, Ishikawa)                            25  45

JF             Japan                                                       25  45

JFø            Japan  (Nilgata, Nagamo)                                    25  45

JF1            Japan  (Tokio, Kanagawa, Chiba, Gunmar, Saitama, Ibaraki, 

                       Tochigi, Yarr)                                      25  45

JF2            Japan  (Shizuoka, Gifu, Aichi, Mie)                         25  45

JF3            Japan  (Kyoto, Shiga, Nara, Osaka, Wakayama, Hyogo)         25  45

JF4            Japan  (Okayama, Shimane, Yamaguchi, Tottori, Hiroshima)    25  45

JF5            Japan  (Kagawa, Tokushima, Ehime, Kochi)                    25  45

JF6            Japan  (Fukuoka, Sega, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Oita, Miyazaki,

                       Kagoshima)                                          25  45

JF7            Japan  (Aomori, Iwate, Akita, Yamagata, Miyagi, Fukushima)  25  45

JF8            Japan  (Hokkaido)                                           25  45

JF9            Japan  (Toyama, Fukui, Ishikawa)                            25  45

JG             Japan                                                       25  45

JGø            Japan  (Nilgata, Nagamo)                                    25  45

JG1            Japan  (Tokio, Kanagawa, Chiba, Gunmar, Saitama, Ibaraki,

                       Tochigi, Yarr)                                      25  45

JG2            Japan  (Shizuoka, Gifu, Aichi, Mie)                         25  45

JG3            Japan  (Kyoto, Shiga, Nara, Osaka, Wakayama, Hyogo)         25  45

JG4            Japan  (Okayama, Shimane, Yamaguchi, Tottori, Hiroshima)    25  45

JG5            Japan  (Kagawa, Tokushima, Ehime, Kochi)                    25  45

JG6            Japan  (Fukuoka, Sega, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Oita, Miyazaki,

                       Kagoshima)                                          25  45

JG7            Japan  (Aomori, Iwate, Akita, Yamagata, Miyagi, Fukushima)  25  45

JG8            Japan  (Hokkaido)                                           25  45

JG9            Japan  (Toyama, Fukui, Ishikawa)                            25  45

JH             Japan                                                       25  45

JHø            Japan  (Nilgata, Nagamo)                                    25  45

JH1            Japan  (Tokio, Kanagawa, Chiba, Gunmar, Saitama, Ibaraki,

                       Tochigi, Yarr)                                      25  45

JH2            Japan  (Shizuoka, Gifu, Aichi, Mie)                         25  45

JH3            Japan  (Kyoto, Shiga, Nara, Osaka, Wakayama, Hyogo)         25  45

JH4            Japan  (Okayama, Shimane, Yamaguchi, Tottori, Hiroshima)    25  45

JH5            Japan  (Kagawa, Tokushima, Ehime, Kochi)                    25  45

JH6            Japan  (Fukuoka, Sega, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Oita, Miyazaki,

                       Kagoshima)                                          25  45

JH7            Japan  (Aomori, Iwate, Akita, Yamagata, Miyagi, Fukushima)  25  45

JH8            Japan  (Hokkaido)                                           25  45

JH9            Japan  (Toyama, Fukui, Ishikawa)                            25  45


JK, JL         Japan                                                       25  45

JLø            Japan  (Nilgata, Nagamo)                                    25  45

JL1            Japan  (Tokio, Kanagawa, Chiba, Gunmar, Saitama, Ibaraki,

                       Tochigi, Yarr)                                      25  45

JL2            Japan  (Shizuoka, Gifu, Aichi, Mie)                         25  45

JL3            Japan  (Kyoto, Shiga, Nara, Osaka, Wakayama, Hyogo)         25  45

JL4            Japan  (Okayama, Shimane, Yamaguchi, Tottori, Hiroshima)    25  45

JL5            Japan  (Kagawa, Tokushima, Ehime, Kochi)                    25  45

JL6            Japan  (Fukuoka, Sega, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Oita, Miyazaki,

                       Kagoshima)                                          25  45

JL7            Japan  (Aomori, Iwate, Akita, Yamagata, Miyagi, Fukushima)  25  45

JL8            Japan  (Hokkaido)                                           25  45

JL9            Japan  (Toyama, Fukui, Ishikawa)                            25  45


JP, JQ, JR     Japan                                                       25  45

JRø            Japan  (Nilgata, Nagamo)                                    25  45

JR1            Japan  (Tokio, Kanagawa, Chiba, Gunmar, Saitama, Ibaraki,

                       Tochigi, Yarr)                                      25  45

JR2            Japan  (Shizuoka, Gifu, Aichi, Mie)                         25  45

JR3            Japan  (Kyoto, Shiga, Nara, Osaka, Wakayama, Hyogo)         25  45

JR4            Japan  (Okayama, Shimane, Yamaguchi, Tottori, Hiroshima)    25  45

JR5            Japan  (Kagawa, Tokushima, Ehime, Kochi)                    25  45

JR6            Japan  (Fukuoka, Sega, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Oita, Miyazaki,

                       Kagoshima)                                          25  45

JR7            Japan  (Aomori, Iwate, Akita, Yamagata, Miyagi, Fukushima)  25  45

JR8            Japan  (Hokkaido)                                           25  45

JR9            Japan  (Toyama, Fukui, Ishikawa)                            25  45

JS             Japan                                                       25  45

JTA to JVZ     Mongolia

JT             Mongolia                                                    23  32

JTø            Mongolia  (Foreign visitors)                                23  32

JT1            Mongolia  (Ulan Bator)                                      23  32

JT2            Mongolia  (Choibalsan)                                      23  32

JT3            Mongolia  (Dalan-Dzagad)                                    23  32

JT4            Mongolia  (Kobdo)                                           23  32

JT5            Mongolia  (Darkhan)                                         23  32

JT7            Mongolia  (Muren)                                           23  32

JT8            Mongolia  (Altal)                                           23  32

JU, JV         Mongolia  (Special calls)                                   23  32

JWA to JXZ     Norway

JW             Svalbard Island                                             40  18

JW8            Bear Island                                                 40  18

JX             Jan Mayen                                                   40  18

JXø            Jan Mayen  (Visitors)                                       40  18

JX7            Jan Mayen  (Beacons)                                        40  18

JYA to JYZ     Jordan

JY             Jordan                                                      20  39

JZA to JZZ     Indonesia

JZ             Indonesia                                                   28

JZø            Netherlands New Guinea  (Prefix no longer used)             35  46

KAA to KZZ     United States of America

K              United States of America

               (States denoted by number - see "W". Note that prior to 1930,

               American callsigns did not use the "K" prefix and callsigns

               began with the appropriate figure)

K4             Puerto Rico  (Prefix no longer used - now KP3)               8  11

K5             Canal Zone  (Prefix no longer used - now HO)                 7  11

K5D            Desecheo Island  (Special call used by an expedition

               between February 12 and February 26 2009 - See also KP5)     8  11

K6             Hawaiian Islands  (Prefix no longer used - now KH6)         31  61

K7             Alaska  (Prefix no longer used - now KL)                     1   1

K7C            Kure Atoll  (2005 DXpedition)                               31  61

KA             United States of America

               (States denoted by number - see "W")

KAø            US personnel on Iwo Jima following WW2

               (Prefix no longer used - now JD1)                           27  90

KA1            Philippines  (Prefix no longer used - now DU)               27  50

KA2, KA3, KA4,

KA5            US personnel in Honshu following WW2

               (Prefix no longer used - now JD1)                           27  90

KA6            US personnel on Ryukya, Okinawa and Shikoko following WW2

               (Prefix no longer used - now JD1)                           27  90

KA7            US personnel on Kyusho following WW2

               (Prefix no longer used - now JD1)                           27  90

KA9            US personnel in Hokkaido following WW2

               (Prefix no longer used - now JD1)                           27  90

KB             United States of America

               (States denoted by number - see "W")

KB4            US Virgin Islands  (Prefix no longer used - now KV4)         8  11

KB6            Guam  (Prefix no longer used - now KH2)                     27  64

KB6            Baker, Canton, Howland and American Phoenix Islands

               (Prefix no longer used - now KH1 and T3)                    31  61

KC             United States of America

               (States denoted by number - see "W")

KC4            Antarctica (Bryd)                                           12  74

KC4            Antarctica (McMurdo)                                        30  71

KC4            Antarctica (Palmer)                                         13  73

KC4            Navassa Island  (Prefix no longer used - now KP1)            8  11

KC6            Wake Island  (Prefix no longer used - now KH9)              31  65

KC6E           East Carolines  (Prefix no longer used - now V6)            27  65

KC6W           West Carolines  (Prefix no longer used - now T8)            27  64

KD             United States of America

               (States denoted by number - see "W")

KD4            Swan Island  (Prefix no longer used - now HR)                7  11

KD6            Midway Island  (Prefix no longer used - now KH4)            31  61

KE             United States of America

               (States denoted by number - see "W")

KE6            Johnston Island  (Prefix no longer used - now KH3)          31  61

KF             United States of America

               (States denoted by number - see "W")

KF6            Baker, Howland and American Phoenix Islands

               (Prefix no longer used - now KH1 and T3)                    31  61

KG             United States of America

               (States denoted by number - see "W")

KG1            US Military personnel in Greenland

               (Prefix no longer used - now OX)                            40   5

KG4x, KG4xxx   United States of America

               (States denoted by number - see "W")

KG4xx          Guantanamo Bay                                               8  11

KG6            Guam                                                        27  64

KG6            Jarvis and Palmyra Group  (Prefix no longer used - now KH5) 31  61

KG6F           US personnel on Marcus Island

               (Prefix no longer used - now JD1)                           27  90

KG6I           US personnel on Iwo Jima following WW2

               (Prefix no longer used - now JD1)                           27  90

KG6R           Rota  (Prefix no longer used - now KHø)                     27  64

KG6S           Saipan  (Prefix no longer used - now KHø)                   27  64

KG6T           Tinian  (Prefix no longer used - now KHø)                   27  64

KHø            Mariana Islands                                             27  64

KH1            Baker and Howland Islands                                   31  61

KH2            Guam                                                        27  64

KH3            Johnston Island                                             31  61

KH4            Midway Island                                               31  61

KH5            Palmyra Island                                              31  61

KH5K           Kingman Reef                                                31  61

KH6            Hawaii                                                      31  61

KH6            American Samoa  (Prefix no longer used - now KH8)           32  62

KH7K           Kure Island                                                 31  61

KH8            American Samoa                                              32  62

KH9            Wake Island                                                 31  65

KI, KJ         United States of America

               (States denoted by number - see "W")

KJ6            Johnston Island  (Prefix no longer used - now KH3)          31  61

KK             United States of America

               (States denoted by number - see "W")

KL             Alaska                                                       1   1

KM             United States of America

               (States denoted by number - see "W")

KM6            Midway Island  (Prefix no longer used - now KH4)            31  61

KN, KO         United States of America

               (States denoted by number - see "W")

KP1            Navassa Island                                               8  11

KP2            US Virgin Islands                                            8  11

KP3, KP4       Puerto Rico                                                  8  11

KP4            Desecheo Island  (Prefix no longer used - now KP5)           8  11

KP5            Desecheo Island                                              8  11

KP6            Palmyra, Jarvis and Kingman Reef

               (Prefix no longer used - now KH5)                           31  61

KQ             United States of America

               (States denoted by number - see "W")

KR6, KR8       US personnel on Okinawa (Ryukyu) prior to May 1972

               (Prefixes no longer used - now JD1)                         27  90

KS             United States of America

               (States denoted by number - see "W")

KS4            Swan Island  (Prefix no longer used - now HR)                7  11

KS6            American Samoa                                              32  62

KT             United States of America

               (States denoted by number - see "W")

KT1            US Military in Tangier Zone  (Prefix no longer used)        33  37

KU, KV         United States of America

               (States denoted by number - see "W")

KV4            US Virgin Islands                                            8  11

KW             United States of America

               (States denoted by number - see "W")

KW6            Wake Island                                                 31  65

KX6            Marshall Islands  (Prefix no longer used - now V7)          31  65

KY, KZ         United States of America

               (States denoted by number - see "W")

KZ5            Canal Zone  (Prefix no longer used - now HP)                 7  11

LøA to LøZ     Not allocated by ITU

L1A to L1Z     Not allocated by ITU

L2A to L9Z     Argentina

L2, L3, L4

L5, L6, L7

L8, L9         Argentina                                                   13

LAA to LNZ     Norway



LG, LH         Norway                                                      14  18

LI, LJ         Special prefix for Norway, only used between 17.05.05 and

               07.06.05 to commemorate the 100th aniversary of the end of

               the union between Norway and Sweden                         14  18

 LK, LL, LM,

LN             Norway                                                      14  18

LOA to LWZ     Argentina



LU             Argentina                                                   13


LUnC           Argentina  (Buenos Aires City)                              13  14

LUnD, LUnE     Argentina  (Buenos Aires Province)                          13  14

LUnF           Argentina  (Santa Fe)                                       13  14









LUnGO          Argentina  (Chaco)                                          13  14






LUnGZ          Argentina  (Formosa)                                        13  14

LUnH           Argentina  (Cordoba)                                        13  14

LUnI           Argentina  (Misiones)                                       13  14

LUnJ           Argentina  (Entre Rios)                                     13  14

LUnK           Argentina  (Tucuman)                                        13  14

LUnL           Argentina  (Corrientes)                                     13  14

LUnM           Argentina  (Mendoza)                                        13  14

LUnN           Argentina  (Santiago del Estero)                            13  14

LUnO           Argentina  (Salta)                                          13  14

LUnP           Argentina  (San Juan)                                       13  14

LUnQ           Argentina  (San Luis)                                       13  14

LUnR           Argentina  (Catamarca)                                      13  14

LUnS           Argentina  (La Rioja)                                       13  14

LUnT           Argentina  (Jujuy)                                          13  14

LUnU           Argentina  (La Pampa)                                       13  14

LUnV           Argentina  (Rio Negro)                                      13  16

LUnW           Argentina  (Chubut)                                         13  16









LUnXO          Argentina  (Santa Cruz)                                     13  16






LUnXZ          Argentina  (Tierra del Fuego)                               13  16

LUnY           Argentina  (Neuquen)                                        13  16

LUnZ           Antarctica                                                  13  73

LU1X, LU1Z     Antarctica, South Shetland Islands, South Orkney Islands    13  73

LV, LW         Argentina                                                   13

LXA to LXZ     Luxembourg

LX             Luxembourg                                                  14  27

LXø            Luxembourg  (Repeaters)                                     14  27

LX1, LX2       Luxembourg  (Class A licences)                              14  27

LX3            Luxembourg  (Class B licences)                              14  27

LX4, LX5, LX6,

LX7, LX8       Luxembourg  (Special Event callsigns)                       14  27

LX9            Luxembourg  (Club callsigns)                                14  27

LYA to LYZ     Lithuania

LY             Lithuania                                                   15  29


LZA to LZZ     Bulgaria

LZ             Bulgaria                                                    20  28

LZø            Bulgaria  (Club Stations and Special Events)                20  28

LZøA, LZøL     South Shetland Islands                                      13  73

LZ1            Bulgaria  (Sofia City, Sofia Province, Plovdiv, Haskova,

                          Burgas)                                          20  28

LZ2            Bulgaria  (Montana, Lovec, Ruse, Varna)                     20  28

LZ5            Antarctica  (Petrel Air Station)

MAA to MZZ     United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

               (Including Isle of Man and Channel Islands)

M              England (M3xxx and M6xxx - Foundation Class Licence,

                        All others - Full Licence Grade)                   14  27

M1             San Marino  (Unofficial prefix no longer used - now T7)     15  28

MA             Special prefix, for use during the "Homecoming Scotland"

               programme, only available by NOV until November 30 2009 and

               only available to stations permanently located in Scotland

               (MA3xxx and MA6xxx - Foundation Class Licence, all others -

               Full Licence Grade)                                         14  27

MB             Special beacons, repeaters and relays in the UK,

               Channel Islands and Isle of Man                             14  27

MC             Wales (Clubs)                                               14  27

MD             Isle of Man (MD3xxx and MD6xxx - Foundation Class Licence,

                            all others - Full Licence Grade)               14  27

MD5, ME5       Egypt  (Prefixes no longer used - now SU)                   34  38

MH             Jersey (Clubs)                                              14  27

MI             Northern Ireland (MI3xxx and MI6xxx - Foundation Class

                                 Licence, all others - Full Licence Grade) 14  27

MJ             Jersey (MJ3xxx and MJ6xxx - Foundation Class Licence,

                       all others - Full Licence Grade)                    14  27

MM             Scotland (MM3xxx and MM6xxx - Foundation Class Licence,

                         all others - Full Licence Grade)                  14  27

MN             Northern Ireland (Clubs)                                    14  27

MP             Guernsey and Dependencies (Clubs)                           14  27

MP4B           Bahrain  (Prefix no longer used - now A9)                   21  39

MP4D           United Arab Emirates  (Prefix no longer used - now A6)      21  39

MP4M           Oman  (Prefix no longer used - now A4)                      21  39

MP4Q           Qatar  (Prefix no longer used - now A7)                     21  39

MP4T           United Arab Emirates  (Prefix no longer used - now A6)      21  39

MQ             Special prefix only used during June 2002 to commemorate

               the Golden Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II        14  27

MS             Scotland (Clubs)                                            14  27

MT             Isle Of Man (Clubs)                                         14  27

MU             Guernsey and Dependencies (MU3xxx and MU6xxx - Foundation

                                          Class Licence, all others - Full

                                          Licence Grade)                   14  27

MW             Wales (MW3xxx and MW6xxx - Foundation Class Licence,

                      all others - Full Licence Grade)                     14  27

MX             England (Clubs)                                             14  27

MX             Manchukuo (Manchuria)  (Prefix no longer used - now BV)     24  44

MZnx           Shetland Islands  (Single letter suffix contest callsigns.

                                  Prefix no longer used)                   14  27

 NAA to NZZ     United States of America

N              Unites States of America

               (States denoted by number - see "W")

N8S            Swains Island dxpedition between 3 April and 15 April 2007  32  62

NA             Unites States of America

               (States denoted by number - see "W")

NA1SS          International Space Station

NB, NC         Unites States of America

               (States denoted by number - see "W")

NC6            Eastern Carolines  (Prefix no longer used - now V6)         27  65

NC6            Western Carolines  (Prefix no longer used - now T8)         27  64


NG             United States of America

               (States denoted by number - see "W")

NHø            Mariana Islands                                             27  64

NH1            Baker and Howland Islands                                   31  61

NH2            Guam                                                        27  64

NH3            Johnston Island                                             31  61

NH4            Midway Island                                               31  61

NH5            Palmyra Island and Jarvis Island                            31  61

NH5K           Kingman Reef                                                31  61

NH6            Hawaii                                                      31  61

NH7K           Kure Island                                                 31  61

NH8            American Samoa                                              32  62

NH9            Wake Island                                                 31  65

NI, NJ, NK     United States of America

               (States denoted by number - see "W")

NL             Alaska                                                       1   1

NM, NN, NO     United States of America

               (States denoted by number - see "W")

NP1            Navassa Island                                               8  11

NP2            US Virgin Islands                                            8  11

NP3, NP4       Puerto Rico                                                  8  11

NP5            Desecheo Island                                              8  11



NW, NY         United States of America

               (States denoted by number - see "W")

NY1, NY2       Canal Zone  (Prefix no longer used - now HO)                 7  11

NY4            Guantanamo Bay  (Prefix no longer used - now KG4xx)          8  11

NZ             United States of America

               (States denoted by number - see "W")

OøA to OøZ     Not allocated by ITU


O1A to O1Z     Not allocated by ITU

O2A to O2Z     Not allocated by ITU

O3A to O3Z     Not allocated by ITU

O4A to O4Z     Not allocated by ITU

O5A to O5Z     Not allocated by ITU


O6A to O6Z     Not allocated by ITU

O7A to O7Z     Not allocated by ITU

O8A to O8Z     Not allocated by ITU


O9A to O9Z     Not allocated by ITU

OAA to OCZ     Peru

OA             Peru                                                        10  12

OAø            Peru  (Club Stations and Special Events)                    10  12

OAø            Antarctica

OA1            Peru  (Lambayeque, Plura, Tumbes)                           10  12

OA2            Peru  (Cajamarca, La Libertad)                              10  12

OA3            Peru  (Ancash, Huanuco)                                     10  12

OA4            Peru  (Callao, Junin, Lima, Pasco)                          10  12

OA5            Peru  (Apurimac, Ayacucho, Huancavelica, Ica)               10  12

OA6            Peru  (Arequipa, Moquegua, Tacna)                           10  12

OA7            Peru  (Cuzco, Madre de Dios, Puno)                          10  12

OA8            Peru  (Loreto, Ucalall)                                     10  12

OA9            Peru  (Amazonas, San Martin)                                10  12

OB, OC         Peru                                                        10  12

ODA to ODZ     Lebanon

OD             Lebanon                                                     20  39

OEA to OEZ     Austria

OE             Austria                                                     15  28

OE1            Austria  (Vienna)                                           15  28

OE2            Austria  (Salzburg)                                         15  28

OE3            Austria  (Niederosterreich)                                 15  28

OE4            Austria  (Burgenland)                                       15  28

OE5            Austria  (Oberosterreich)                                   15  28

OE6            Austria  (Stelermark)                                       15  28

OE7            Austria  (Tirol)                                            15  28

OE75           Austria  (Special prefix for 2001 only, celebrating 75th

                         anniversary of Austrian Radio Society)            15  28

OE8            Austria  (Karnten)                                          15  28

OE9            Austria  (Vorarlberg)                                       15  28

OFA to OJZ     Finland

OF             Finland                                                     15  18

OFø            Aland Island                                                15  18

OG             Finland                                                     15  18

OGø            Aland Island                                                15  18

OH             Finland                                                     15  18

OHø            Aland Island                                                15  18

OHøM           Market Reef                                                 15  18

OH1            Finland  (Turun Ja Pori)                                    15  18

OH2            Finland  (Uudenmaa)                                         15  18

OH3            Finland  (Harne)                                            15  18

OH4            Finland  (Mikkell)                                          15  18

OH5            Finland  (Kymi)                                             15  18

OH6            Finland  (Keski-Suomen, Vaasa)                              15  18

OH7            Finland  (Kuopio, Pohjois-Karjala)                          15  18

OH8            Finland  (Oulu)                                             15  18

OH9            Finland  (Lapi)                                             15  18

OI             Finland                                                     15  18

OJø            Market Reef                                                 15  18

OKA to OLZ     Czech Republic

OK             Czech Republic                                              15  28

OKø            Czech Republic  (Repeaters, packet nodes etc.)              15  28

OK1            Czech Republic  (Bohemian Region)                           15  28

OK2            Czech Republic  (Moravia Region)                            15  28

OK3            Czech Republic                                              15  28

OK4            Czech Republic  (Czech maritime stations)                   15  28

OK8            Czech Republic  (Foreign visitors)                          15  28

OL             Czech Republic                                              15  28

OMA to OMZ     Slovakia

OM             Slovakia                                                    15  28

OMø            Slovakia  (Northeast area of Eastern Slovakia)              15  28

OM1            Slovakia  (Bratislava)                                      15  28

OM2            Slovakia  (West area of Western Slovakia)                   15  28

OM3            Slovakia  (All regions)                                     15  28

OM4            Slovakia  (Trencin)                                         15  28

OM5            Slovakia  (Centre/south area of Western Slovakia)           15  28

OM6            Slovakia  (North area of Central Slovakia)                  15  28

OM7            Slovakia  (Centre/south area of Central Slovakia)           15  28

OM8            Slovakia  (West/south area of Eastern Slovakia)             15  28

OM9            Slovakia  (Foreign visitors)                                15  28

ONA to OTZ     Belgium

ON             Belgium                                                     14  27

ONø            Belgium  (Repeaters, packet nodes, etc.)                    14  27

ON1            Belgium  (Technician Class licences)                        14  27

ON2            Belgium  (Novice Class licences)                            14  27

ON4, ON5, ON6,

ON7, ON8       Belgium  (Full licences)                                    14  27

ON9            Belgium  (Foreign visitors)                                 14  27


OQ             Belgium                                                     14  27

OQ             Belgian Congo  (Prefix no longer used - now 9Q)             36  52

OR             Belgium                                                     14  27

OR4E           Antarctica

OS             Belgium                                                     14  27

OTn            Belgium  (Contest stations, where n = last figure of year)  14  27

OUA to OZZ     Denmark

OU, OV, OW     Denmark                                                     14  18

OX             Greenland                                                   40   5

OY             Faroe Islands                                               14  18

OY             Jan Mayen Island  (Prefix no longer used - now JX)          40  18

OZ             Denmark                                                     14  18

PøA to PøZ     Not allocated by ITU

P1A to P1Z     Not allocated by ITU

P2A to P2Z     Papua New Guinea

P2             Papua New Guinea                                            28  51

P3A to P3Z     Cyprus

P3, P3ø, P36   Cyprus                                                      20  39

P4A to P4Z     Netherlands - Aruba

P4             Aruba                                                        9  11

P5A to P9Z     North Korea

P5, P6, P7,

P8, P9         North Korea                                                 25  44

PAA to PIZ     Netherlands



PG, PH, PI     Netherlands                                                 14  27

PJA to PJZ     Netherlands - Netherlands Antilles

PJ             Netherlands Antilles                                         9  11

PJø, PJ1       Netherlands Antilles                                         9  11

PJ2            Curacao                                                      8  11

PJ3            Netherlands Antilles                                         9  11

PJ4            Bonaire                                                      9  11

PJ5            Saint Eustatius                                              8  11

PJ6            Saba                                                         8  11

PJ7, PJ8       Sint Maarten                                                 8  11

PJ9            Netherlands Antilles                                         9  11

PKA to POZ     Indonesia


PN             Indonesia                                                   28

PO             Indonesia                                                   21  40

PPA to PYZ     Brazil

PP             Brazil  (Class A and Class B licences)                      11

PPøF           Fernando De Noronha Island                                  11  13

PPøM           Trindade Island, Martin Vaz Island                          11  15

PP1            Brazil  (Espirito Santo)                                    11  15

PP2            Brazil  (Goias)                                             11  15

PP5            Brazil  (Santa Catarina)                                    11  15

PP6            Brazil  (Sergipe)                                           11  13

PP7            Brazil  (Alagoas)                                           11  13

PP8            Brazil  (Amazonas)                                          11  12

PQ             Brazil  (Class A and Class B licences)                      11

PQøA, PQøF     Fernando De Noronha Island                                  11  13

PQøS           Saint Peter and Saint Paul Rocks                            11  13

PQøT           Trindade Island, Martin Vaz Island                          11  15

PQ2            Brazil  (Tocantins)                                         11

PQ8            Brazil  (Amapa)                                             11  13

PR             Brazil  (Class A and Class B licences)                      11

PRøF           Fernando De Noronha Island                                  11  13

PR7            Brazil  (Paraiba)                                           11  13

PR8            Brazil  (Maranhao)                                          11  13

PS             Brazil  (Class A and Class B licences)                      11

PSøF           Fernando De Noronha Island                                  11  13

PSøM           Trindade Island, Martin Vaz Island                          11  15

PSøR           Brazil  (Atol das Rocas)                                    11

PSøS           Saint Peter and Saint Paul Rocks                            11  13

PSøT           Trindade Island, Martin Vaz Island                          11  15

PSøW           Saint Peter and Saint Paul Rocks                            11  13

PS7            Brazil  (Rio Grande Do Norte)                               11  13

PS8            Piaui Island                                                11  13

PT             Brazil  (Class A and Class B licences)                      11

PTøF           Fernando De Noronha Island                                  11  13

PTøN           Fernando De Noronha Island                                  11  13

PT2            Brazil  (Brasilia)                                          11  15

PT7            Brazil  (Ceara)                                             11  13

PT8            Brazil  (Acre)                                              11  12

PT9            Brazil  (Mato Grosso Do Sul)                                11  15

PU             Brazil  (Class C licences)                                  11

PUøF           Fernando De Noronha Island                                  11  13

PUøM           Trindade Island, Martin Vaz Island                          11  15

PUøR           Brazil  (Atol das Rocas)                                    11

PUøS           Saint Peter and Saint Paul Rocks                            11  13

PUøT           Trindade Island, Martin Vaz Island                          11  15

PUøW, PUøY     Fernando De Noronha Island                                  11  13

PV             Brazil  (Class A and Class B licences)                      11

PVøA           Fernando De Noronha Island                                  11  13

PV8            Brazil  (Roraima)                                           11  12

PW             Brazil  (Class A and Class B licences)                      11

PWøM           Trindade Island, Martin Vaz Island                          11  15

PWøP           Saint Peter and Saint Paul Rocks                            11  13

PWøR           Brazil  (Atol des Rocas)                                    11

PWøS           Saint Peter and Saint Paul Rocks                            11  13

PWøT           Trindade Island, Martin Vaz Island                          11  15

PW8            Brazil  (Rondonia)                                          11  12

PX             Brazil  (Citizens Band licences)                            11

PX             Andorra  (Prefix no longer used - now C3)                   14  27

PXøF           Fernando De Noronha Island                                  11  13

PXøM           Trindade Island, Martin Vaz Island                          11  15

PXøR           Brazil  (Atol des Rocas)                                    11

PXøS           Saint Peter and Saint Paul Rocks                            11  13

PXøT           Trindade Island, Martin Vaz Island                          11  15

PY             Brazil  (Class A and Class B licences)                      11

PYøA           Fernando De Noronha Island                                  11  13

PYøB           Trindade Island, Martin Vaz Island                          11  15

PYøC           Fernando De Noronha Island                                  11  13

PYøD           Saint Peter and Saint Paul Rocks                            11  13

PYøE           Trindade Island, Martin Vaz Island                          11  15

PYøF           Fernando De Noronha Island                                  11  13


PYøN           Trindade Island, Martin Vaz Island                          11  15

PYøO, PYøP     Fernando De Noronha Island                                  11  13

PYøR           Brazil  (Atol das Rocas)                                    11

PYøS           Saint Peter and Saint Paul Rocks                            11  13

PYøT           Trindade Island, Martim Vaz Island                          11  15

PYøW, PYøX     Saint Peter and Saint Paul Rocks                            11  13

PYøY           Trindade Island, Martin Vaz Island                          11  15

PYøZ           Saint Peter and Saint Paul Rocks                            11  13

PY1            Brazil  (Rio De Janeiro)                                    11  15

PY2            Brazil  (Sao Paulo)                                         11  15

PY3            Brazil  (Rio Grande Do Sul)                                 11  15

PY4            Brazil  (Minas Gerais)                                      11  15

PY5            Brazil  (Parana)                                            11  15

PY6            Brazil  (Bahia)                                             11  13

PY7            Brazil  (Pernambuco)                                        11  13

PY8            Brazil  (Para)                                              11  13

PY9            Brazil  (Mato Grosso)                                       11  15

 PZA to PZZ     Surinam

PZ             Surinam                                                      9  12

PZø            Surinam  (Special Event stations)                            9  12

PZ1            Surinam  (Paramaribo, Wanica)                                9  12

PZ2            Surinam  (Nickerie)                                          9  12

PZ3            Surinam  (Coronie)                                           9  12

PZ4            Surinam  (Saramaca)                                          9  12

PZ5            Surinam  (Foreign Visitors)                                  9  12

PZ6            Surinam  (Par)                                               9  12

PZ7            Surinam  (Brokopondo)                                        9  12

PZ8            Surinam  (Commewijne)                                        9  12

PZ9            Surinam  (Marowijne)                                         9  12

QAA to QZZ     Not allocated by ITU (Reserved for Q-Codes)

RAA to RZZ     Russian Federation

               (A map showing the location of these areas is available

                on EI8IC's website)

Rn             Russia                                                      16

             Asiatic Russia  (WW2 veterans - Eastern Siberia, Far East)

R1             North Western European Russia  (WW2 Veterans)               16

R1ANx          Antarctica

R1Fx           Franz Joseph Land                                           40  75

R1Mx           Malyj Vysotskij                                             16  29

R2             European Russia  (WW2 veterans - Kaliningradsk)             15  29

R3             Central European Russia  (WW2 veterans)                     16  29

R4             European Russia  (WW2 veterans - Volga)                     16

R6             European Russia  (WW2 veterans - Northern Caucusus)         16  29

R7             Asiatic Russia  (WW2 veterans)

R9             Asiatic Russia  (WW2 veterans - Urals, Western Siberia)

RA             Russia

RAø            Asiatic Russia  (Eastern Siberia, Far East)

RA1            North Western European Russia                               16

RA2            European Russia  (Kaliningradsk)                            15  29

RA3            Central European Russia                                     16  29

RA4            European Russia  (Volga)                                    16

RA6            European Russia  (Northern Caucusus)                        16  29

RA8            Asiatic Russia

RA9            Asiatic Russia  (Urals, Western Siberia)

RB             Ukrain  (Prefix no longer used - now UT)                    16  29

RC             Belarus (Prefix no longer used - now EU)                    16  29

RD             Azerbaijan  (Prefix no longer used - now 4K)                21  29

RE             Russia

REø            Asiatic Russia  (Eastern Siberia, Far East)

RE1            North Western European Russia                               16

RE2            European Russia  (Kaliningradsk)                            15  29

RE3            Central European Russia                                     16  29

RE4            European Russia  (Volga)                                    16

RE6            European Russia  (Northern Caucusus)                        16  29

RE9            Asiatic Russia  (Urals, Western Siberia)

RF             Georgia  (Prefix no longer used - now 4L)                   21  29

RF             Russia                                                      16

RFø            Asiatic Russia  (Eastern Siberia, Far East)

RF1            North Western European Russia                               16

RF2            European Russia  (Kaliningradsk)                            15  29

RF3            Central European Russia                                     16  29

RF4            European Russia  (Volga)                                    16

RF6            European Russia  (Northern Caucusus)                        16  29

RF9            Asiatic Russia  (Urals, Western Siberia)

RG             Armenia  (Prefix no longer used - now EK)                   21  29

RG             Russia

RGø            Asiatic Russia  (Eastern Siberia, Far East)

RG1            North Western European Russia                               16

RG2            European Russia  (Kaliningradsk)                            15  29

RG3            Central European Russia                                     16  29

RG4            European Russia  (Volga)                                    16

RG6            European Russia  (Northern Caucusus)                        16  29

RG9            Asiatic Russia  (Urals, Western Siberia)

RH             Turkmenistan  (Prefix no longer used - now EZ)              17  30

RH             Russia

RHø            Asiatic Russia  (Eastern Siberia, Far East)

RH1            North Western European Russia                               16

RH2            European Russia  (Kaliningradsk)                            15  29

RH3            Central European Russia                                     16  29

RH4            European Russia  (Volga)                                    16

RH6            European Russia  (Northern Caucusus)                        16  29

RH9            Asiatic Russia  (Urals, Western Siberia)

RI             Uzbekistan  (Prefix no longer used - now UJ)                17  30

RIø            Russia                                                      16

RI             Asiatic Russia  (Eastern Siberia, Far East)

RI1            North Western European Russia                               16

RI2            European Russia  (Kaliningradsk)                            15  29

RI3            Central European Russia                                     16  29

RI4            European Russia  (Volga)                                    16

RI6            European Russia  (Northern Caucusus)                        16  29

RI9            Asiatic Russia  (Urals, Western Siberia)

RJ             Tadjikistan  (Prefix no longer used - now EY)               17  30

RJ             Russia

RJø            Asiatic Russia  (Eastern Siberia, Far East)

RJ1            North Western European Russia                               16

RJ2            European Russia  (Kaliningradsk)                            15  29

RJ3            Central European Russia                                     16  29

RJ4            European Russia  (Volga)                                    16

RJ6            European Russia  (Northern Caucusus)                        16  29

RJ9            Asiatic Russia  (Urals, Western Siberia)

RK             Russia                                                      16

RKø            Asiatic Russia  (Eastern Siberia, Far East)

RK1            North Western European Russia                               16

RK2            European Russia  (Kaliningradsk)                            15  29

RK3            Central European Russia                                     16  29

RK4            European Russia  (Volga)                                    16

RK6            European Russia  (Northern Caucusus)                        16  29

RK9            Asiatic Russia  (Urals, Western Siberia)

RL             Kazakhstan  (Prefix no longer used - now UN)                17  30

RL             Russia

RM             Kirghizia  (Prefix no longer used - now EX)                 17  30

RM             Russia                                                      16

RMø            Asiatic Russia  (Eastern Siberia, Far East)

RM2            European Russia  (Kaliningradsk)                            15  29

RM9            Asiatic Russia  (Urals, Western Siberia)

RN             Russia                                                      16

RNø            Asiatic Russia  (Eastern Siberia, Far East)

RN1            North Western European Russia                               16

RN2            European Russia  (Kaliningradsk)                            15  29

RN3            Central European Russia                                     16  29

RN4            European Russia  (Volga)                                    16

RN6            European Russia  (Northern Caucusus)                        16  29

RN9            Asiatic Russia  (Urals, Western Siberia)

RO             Moldavia  (Prefix no longer used - now ER)

RO             Russia                                                      16

ROø            Asiatic Russia  (Eastern Siberia, Far East)

RO9            Asiatic Russia  (Urals, Western Siberia

RP             Russia                                                      16

RPø            Asiatic Russia  (Eastern Siberia, Far East)

RP1            North Western European Russia                               16

RP2            European Russia  (Kaliningradsk)                            15  29

RP2            Lithuania  (Prefix no longer used - now LY)                 15  29

RP3            Central European Russia                                     16  29

RP4            European Russia  (Volga)                                    16

RP6            European Russia  (Northern Caucusus)                        16  29

RP9            Asiatic Russia  (Urals, Western Siberia)

RQ             Russia                                                      16

RQ2            European Russia  (Kaliningradsk)                            15  29

RQ2            Latvia  (Prefix no longer used - now YL)                    15  29

RR             Russia                                                      16

RR             Ukraine  (prefix no longer used - now EM)                   16  29

RRø            Asiatic Russia  (Eastern Siberia, Far East)

RR9            Asiatic Russia  (Urals, Western Siberia

RS             Russia                                                      16

RSø            Asiatic Russia  (Eastern Siberia, Far East)

RSøISS         Russian cosmonauts on International Space Station

RS2            European Russia  (Kaliningradsk)                            15  29

RS9            Asiatic Russia  (Urals, Western Siberia)

RT             Russia

RT             Ukraine  (prefix no longer used - now EM)                   16  29

RTø            Asiatic Russia  (Eastern Siberia, Far East)

RT1            North Western European Russia                               16

RT2            European Russia  (Kaliningradsk)                            15  29

RT3            Central European Russia                                     16  29

RT4            European Russia  (Volga)                                    16

RT6            European Russia  (Northern Caucusus)                        16  29

RT9            Asiatic Russia  (Urals, Western Siberia)

RU             Russia                                                      16

RUø            Asiatic Russia  (Eastern Siberia, Far East)

RU1            North Western European Russia                               16

RU2            European Russia  (Kaliningradsk)                            15  29

RU3            Central European Russia                                     16  29

RU4            European Russia  (Volga)                                    16

RU6            European Russia  (Northern Caucusus)                        16  29

RU9            Asiatic Russia  (Urals, Western Siberia)

RV             Russia                                                      16

RVø            Asiatic Russia  (Eastern Siberia, Far East)

RV1            North Western European Russia                               16

RV2            European Russia  (Kaliningradsk)                            15  29

RV3            Central European Russia                                     16  29

RV4            European Russia  (Volga)                                    16

RV6            European Russia  (Northern Caucusus)                        16  29

RV9            Asiatic Russia  (Urals, Western Siberia)

RW             Russia                                                      16

RWø            Asiatic Russia  (Eastern Siberia, Far East)

RW1            North Western European Russia                               16

RW2            European Russia  (Kaliningradsk)                            15  29

RW3            Central European Russia                                     16  29

RW4            European Russia  (Volga)                                    16

RW6            European Russia  (Northern Caucusus)                        16  29

RW9            Asiatic Russia  (Urals, Western Siberia)

RX             Russia                                                      16

RXø            Asiatic Russia  (Eastern Siberia, Far East)

RX1            North Western European Russia                               16

RX2            European Russia  (Kaliningradsk)                            15  29

RX3            Central European Russia                                     16  29

RX4            European Russia  (Volga)                                    16

RX6            European Russia  (Northern Caucusus)                        16  29

RX9            Asiatic Russia  (Urals, Western Siberia)

RY             Russia                                                      16

RYø            Asiatic Russia  (Eastern Siberia, Far East)

RY1            North Western European Russia                               16

RY2            European Russia  (Kaliningradsk)                            15  29

RY3            Central European Russia                                     16  29

RY4            European Russia  (Volga)                                    16

RY6            European Russia  (Northern Caucasus)                        16  29

RY9            Asiatic Russia  (Urals, Western Siberia)

RZ             Russia                                                      16

RZø            Asiatic Russia  (Eastern Siberia, Far East)

RZ1            North Western European Russia                               16

RZ1ø           Franz Josef Land                                            40  75

RZ2            European Russia  (Kaliningradsk)                            15  29

RZ3            Central European Russia                                     16  29

RZ4            European Russia  (Volga)                                    16

RZ6            European Russia  (Northern Caucusus)                        16  29

RZ9            Asiatic Russia  (Urals, Western Siberia)

SøA to SøZ     Not allocated by ITU

             Western Sahara  (Unofficial prefix)                         33  46

S1A to S1Z     Not allocated by ITU

S1             Principality of Sealand (Unofficial prefix)                 14  27

S2A to S3Z     Bangladesh

S2, S3         Bangladesh                                                  22  41

S4A to S4Z     Not allocated by ITU

S4             South Africa (Ciskei) (Unofficial prefix - now ZS)          38  57

S5A to S5Z     Slovenia

S5             Slovenia                                                    15  28

S6A to S6Z     Singapore

S6             Singapore                                                   28  54

S7A to S7Z     Seychelles

S7             Seychelles                                                  39  53

S79            Praslin Island                                              39  53

S8A to S8Z     South Africa

S8             South Africa (Transkei) (Prefix no longer used - now ZS2)   38  57

S9A to S9Z     Sao Tome and Principe

S9             Sao Tome and Principe                                       36  47

SAA to SMZ     Sweden




SJ             Sweden                                                      14  18

SK             Sweden  (Club Stations)                                     14  18

SL             Sweden  (Military Club Stations)                            14  18

SL8            Sweden  (Maritime stations)

SM             Sweden                                                      14  18

SMø            Sweden  (Stockholm)                                         14  18

SM1            Sweden  (Gotland Island)                                    14  18

SM2            Sweden  (Norrbotten, Vasterbotten)                          14  18

SM3            Sweden  (Gavleborg, Jarntland, Vasternorrland)              14  18

SM4            Sweden  (Kopparberg, Orebo, Varmland)                       14  18

SM5            Sweden  (Ostergottland, Sodermanland, Uppsala)              14  18

SM6            Sweden  (Alvsborg, Goteborg och Bohus, Halland, Skaraborg)  14  18

SM7            Sweden  (Jonkoping, Kronoberg, Kalmar, Blekinge,

                        Kristianstad, Malmohus)                            14  18

SNA to SRZ     Poland


SPø            Poland  (Special calls)                                     15  28

SP1            Poland  (Zachodniopomorskie)                                15  28

SP2            Poland  (Pomorskie, Kujawsko-Pomorskie)                     15  28

SP3            Poland  (Wielkopolskie, Lubuskie)                           15  28

SP4            Poland  (Warminsko-Mazurskie, Podlaskie)                    15  28

SP5            Poland  (Mazowieckie)                                       15  28

SP6            Poland  (Dolnoslaskie, Opolskie)                            15  28

SP7            Poland  (Lodzkie, Swietokrzyskie)                           15  28

SP8            Poland  (Lubelskie, Podkarpackie)                           15  28

SP9            Poland  (Slaskie, Malopolskie)                              15  28

SQ             Poland                                                      15  28

SQø            Poland  (Special calls)                                     15  28

SR             Poland                                                      15  28

 SSA to SSM     Egypt

SS             Egypt                                                       34  38

SSN to STZ     Sudan

ST             Sudan                                                       34  48

STø            Sudan                                                       34  48

STø            Southern Sudan  (Prefix no longer used)                     34  48

ST2            Sudan  (Khartoum)                                           34  48

ST3            Sudan  (Wad Madani, Central region)                         34  48

ST4            Sudan  (Al Ubayyid, Kurdufan region)                        34  48

ST5            Sudan  (Kassala, Eastern region)                            34  48

ST6            Sudan  (Port Sudan, North Eastern region)                   34  48

ST7            Sudan  (Ad'Damir, North Western)                            34  48

ST8            Sudan  (Al'Fashir, Darfour region)                          34  48

ST9            Sudan  (Malakai, Central Southern region, Wau)              34  48

SUA to SUZ     Egypt

SU             Egypt                                                       34  38

SVA to SZZ     Greece

SV             Greece                                                      20  28

SVnA           Greece  (Mount Athos)                                       20  28

SVø            Greece  (Foreign visitors)                                  20  28

SV1            Greece  (Fokis, Attiki, Evritania, Khalkis, Fthiotis,

                        Voiotia, Akarnania)                                20  28

SV2            Greece  (Drama, Pella, Florina, Kastoria, Pieria,Kavala,

                        Kilkis, Kozani, Khalkidhiki, Serrai,Salonica,

                        Imathia)                                           20  28

SV3            Greece  (Messinia, Korinthia, Argolis, Akhaia, Ilia,

                        Lakonia, Arkadhia, Kardhitsa, Larisa, Trikala,

                        Magnisia, Dhodhekanisos)                           20  28

SV5            Dodecanese Islands                                          20  28

SV6            Greece  (Arta, Thesprotia, Ioannina, Preveza, Evros,

                        Rodhopi, Xanthi)                                   20  28

SV7            Greece  (Evros, Rodhopi, Xanthi)                            20  28

SV8            Greece  (Kefallinia, Evia, Kikladhes, Corfu, Khios, Lefkas,

                        Lesvos, Samos, Zante)                              20  28

SV9            Crete  (Lasithi, Iraklion, La Canea, Rethimni)              20  28

SW             Greece  (VHF/UHF licences)                                  20  28

SW1            Greece  (Fokis, Attiki, Evritania, Khalkis, Fthiotis,

                        Voiotia, Akarnania)                                20  28

SW2            Greece  (Drama, Pella, Florina, Kastoria, Pieria,Kavala,

                        Kilkis, Kozani, Khalkidhiki, Serrai,Salonica,

                        Imathia)                                           20  28

SW3            Greece  (Messinia, Korinthia, Argolis, Akhaia, Ilia,

                        Lakonia, Arkadhia, Kardhitsa, Larisa, Trikala,

                        Magnisia, Dhodhekanisos)                           20  28

SW5            Dodecanese Islands                                          20  28

SW6            Greece  (Arta, Thesprotia, Ioannina, Preveza, Evros,

                        Rodhopi, Xanthi)                                   20  28

SW7            Greece  (Evros, Rodhopi, Xanthi)                            20  28

SW8            Greece  (Kefallinia, Evia, Kikladhes, Corfu, Khios, Lefkas,

                        Lesvos, Samos, Zante)                              20  28

SW9            Crete  (Lasithi, Iraklion, La Canea, Rethimni)              20  28

SX             Greece                                                      20  28

SX5            Dodecanese Islands                                          20  28

SX9            Crete                                                       20  28

SY             Greece  (Mount Athos)                                       20  28

SZ             Greece                                                      20  28

TøA to TøZ     Not allocated by ITU

             Principality of Seborga (Italy)  (Unofficial prefix)        28  15

T1A to T1Z     Not allocated by ITU

T2A to T2Z     Tuvalu

T2             Tuvalu                                                      31  65

T3A to T3Z     Kiribati

T3             Kiribati (including Gilbert, Ellice and Phoenix Islands)    31  65

T3A, T3K       West Kiribati                                               31  65

T3L            East Kiribati                                               31  65

T3P            Central Kiribati                                            31  65

T3ø            West Kiribati                                               31  65

T31            Central Kiribati                                            31  65

T32            East Kiribati                                               31  65

T33            Banaba Island                                               31  65

T4A to T4Z     Cuba

T4             Cuba                                                         8  11

T4             Venda  (Unofficial Prefix no longer used - now ZS)          38  57

T5A to T5Z     Somalia

T5             Somalia                                                     37  48

T6A to T6Z     Afghanistan

T6             Afghanistan                                                 21  40

T7A to T7Z     San Marino

T7             San Marino                                                  15  28

T70            San Marino  (Special Event and Club callsigns)              15  28

T72            San Marino  (VHF licences)                                  15  28

T77            San Marino  (HF licences)                                   15  28

T8A to T8Z     Palau

T8             Palau                                                       27  64

T8             Principality of Seborga (Italy)  (Unofficial prefix)        15  28

T88            Palau                                                       27  64

T9A to T9Z     Not allocated by ITU  (formerly allocated to Bosnia Herzegovina)

T9             Bosnia Herzegovina  (Prefix no longer used - now E7)        15  28

TAA to TCZ     Turkey

TA             Turkey                                                      20  39

TAø            Turkey  (Turkish Islands)                                   20  39

TA1            Turkey  (Edirne, Kirkiareil, Tekirdag, Istanbul, Canakkale) 20  39

TA2            Turkey  (Istanbul, Kocaeli, Sakarya, Bilecik, Bolu, Ankara,

                        Eskisehir, Zonguldak, Kirikkale)                   20  39

TA3            Turkey  (Izmir, Canakkala, Bursa, Balikesir, Manisa)        20  39

TA4            Turkey  (Kutahya, Usak, Aydin, Mugla, Denizil, Isparta,

                        Antalya, Burdur, Afyon)                            20  39

TA5            Turkey  (Adana, Hatay, Konya, Aksaray, Karaman, Nevsehir,

                        Nigde, Mersin)                                     20  39

TA6            Turkey  (Cankiri, Corum, Kastamonu, Yozgat, Kirsehir,

                        Amasya, Tokat, Samsun, Sinop)                      20  39

TA7            Turkey  (Kayseri, Sivas, Ordu, Giresun, Trabson, Gumushane,

                        Bayburt Erzincan, Tunceli)                         20  39

TA8            Turkey  (Maras, G.Antep, Adlyaman, Urfa, Malatya, Elazig,

                        Bingol, Diyarbakir, Mardin)                        20  39

TA9            Turkey  (Rize, Artvin, Erzurum, Kars, Agri, Van, Mus,

                        Siirt, Hakkari, Bitlis, Ardahan, Batman, Sirnak)   20  39

TB             Turkey                                                      20  39

TC             Turkey  (Special Event stations)                            20  39

TDA to TDZ     Guatemala

TD             Guatemala                                                    7  11

TEA to TEZ     Costa Rica

TE             Costa Rica                                                   7  11

TE9            Cocos Islands                                                7  11

TFA to TFZ     Iceland

TF             Iceland                                                     40  17

TFø            Iceland  (Central Iceland)                                  40  17

TF1            Iceland  (Hveragerdi, Selfos, Eyrarbakki, Hella, Vik,

                         Kirkjubaejarklaustur)                             40  17

TF2            Iceland  (Budardalur,Stikkisholmur, Olafsvik, Bogarnes,

                         Akranes)                                          40  17

TF3            Iceland  (Reykjaviik, Kopavogur, Hafnarfjoerdur,

                         Pingvellir)                                       40  17

TF4            Iceland  (Vatneyn, Flateyri, Bolungarvik, Isafjoerdur,

                         Holmavik)                                         40  17

TF5            Iceland  (Olafsfjoerdur, Dalvik, Akureyri, Husavik,

                         Kopasker, Raufarhoefn, Reykjalid, Thorshoefn)     40  17

TF6            Iceland  (Grimmstadir, Vopnafjoerdur, Seydisfjoerdur,

                         Eskifjoerdur, Neskaup, Budir, Djupivogur, Hoefn)  40  17

TF7            Iceland  (Vestmannaeyjar, Helmaey Island, Surtsey Island)   40  17

TF8            Iceland  (Grindavik, Keflavik)                              40  17

TF9            Iceland  (Hyammstangi, Bloenduos, Hoefdakaupstadur,

                         Saudarkrokur)                                     40  17

TGA to TGZ     Guatemala

TG             Guatemala                                                    7  11

TGø            Guatemala  (Special Event stations)                          7  11

TG4            Guatemala  (Chimaltenango, Escuintia, Santa Rosa, Solola,

                           Suchitepequez)                                   7  11

TG5            Guatemala  (Huehuetenango, Quiche, Totonicapan)              7  11

TG6            Guatemala  (Chiquimula, Jutiapa, Zacapa)                     7  11

TG7            Guatemala  (Alta Verapaz, Izabal, Peten)                     7  11

TG9            Guatemala  (Baja Verapaz, Guatemala City,Jalapa,

                           El Progreso, Sacatepequez)                       7  11

THA to THZ     France

TH             France                                                      14  27

TIA to TIZ     Costa Rica

TI             Costa Rica                                                   7  11

TIø            Costa Rica  (Special Event and Club Stations)                7  11

TI1            Costa Rica  (Special Event stations)                         7  11

TI2            Costa Rica  (San Jose)                                       7  11

TI3            Costa Rica  (Cartago)                                        7  11

TI4            Costa Rica  (Heredia)                                        7  11

TI5            Costa Rica  (Alajuela)                                       7  11

TI6            Costa Rica  (Limon)                                          7  11

TI7            Costa Rica  (Guanacaste)                                     7  11

TI8            Costa Rica  (Puntarenas)                                     7  11

TI9            Cocos Islands                                                7  11

TJA to TJZ     Cameroon

TJ             Cameroon                                                    36  47

TKA to TKZ     France

TK             Corsica                                                     15  28

TLA to TLZ     Central African Republic

TL             Central African Republic                                    36  47

TMA to TMZ     France

TM             France                                                      14  27

TM38ø          Callsign used between 27th April and 9th May 2005 to

               commemorate the first flight of the Airbus A380. (Callsign

               had a non-standard format, as there was no suffix)          14  27

TNA to TNZ     Congo

TN             Congo                                                       36  32

TOA to TQZ     France

TO             France                                                      14  27

TO             France (Outside France - Departements d'outre-mer)

TOø            Saint Pierre and Miquelon Islands                            5   9

TO15ø          Reunion Island  (Special call during December 1998)         39  53

TO2            Martinique                                                   8  11

TO4            Europa Island                                               39  53

TO5A           Guadeloupe                                                   8  11

TO5M, TO5T     Martinique                                                   8  11

TO8            French Polynesia                                            32  63

TO9            French Guiana                                                9  12

TP             France  (Council of Europe, Strasbourg)                     14  27

TQ             France                                                      14  27

TRA to TRZ     Gabon

TR             Gabon                                                       36  52

TSA to TSZ     Tunisia

TS             Tunisia                                                     33  37

TTA to TTZ     Chad

TT             Chad                                                        36  47

TUA to TUZ     Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)

TU             Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)                                 35  46

TVA to TXZ     France

TV, TW         France                                                      14  27

TX             France (Outside France - Territoires d'outre-mer)

TXø            Chesterfield Island                                         30  56

TX5            Clipperton Island                                            7  10

TX8            New Caledonia                                               32  56

TX9            Chesterfield Island                                         30  56

TYA to TYZ     Benin

TY             Benin                                                       35  46

TZA to TZZ     Mali

TZ             Mali                                                        35  46

 UAA to UIZ     Russian Federation

               (A map showing the location of these areas is available

                on EI8IC's website)

U              European Russia                                             16

             Asiatic Russia  (WW2 Veterans, Eastern Siberia and Far East)

U1             European Russia  (WW2 Veterans, North-West Russia)          16

U1MIR          Cosmonauts on MIR Space Station

U2             Kaliningradsk  (WW2 Veterans)                               15  29

U3             European Russia  (WW2 Veterans, Central Russia)             16

U5             Ukraine  (WW2 Veterans)                                     16  29

U6             European Russia  (WW2 Veterans, Northern Caucusus)          16

U8             Uzbekistan  (WW2 veterans)                                  17  30

U9             Asiatic Russia  (WW2 Veterans, Urals and Western Siberia)

UA             European Russia                                             16

UAø            Asiatic Russia  (Eastern Siberia and Far East)

UA1            European Russia                                             16

UA2            European Russia  (Kaliningradsk)                            15  29

UA3            European Russia  (Central Russia)                           16  29

UA3YH/KC4      Antarctica  (USN Mars Amundsen-Scott, South Pole)

UA4            European Russia                                             16

UA6            European Russia  (Northern Caucusus)                        16  29

UA8            Asiatic Russia

UA9            Asiatic Russia  (Urals and Western Siberia)

UB             Ukraine  (Prefix no longer used - now UR)                   16  29

UC             Belarus  (Prefix no longer used - now EU)                   16  29

UC             European Russia                                             16

UD             Azerbaijan  (Prefix no longer used - now 4J)                21  29

UD, UE         European Russia                                             16

UEø            Asiatic Russia  (Eastern Siberia and Far East)

UE1            European Russia  (North Western Russia)                     16

UE2            European Russia  (Kaliningradsk)                            15  29

UE3            European Russia  (Central Russia)                           16  29

UE4            European Russia  (Volga)                                    16

UE6            European Russia  (Northern Caucusus)                        16  29

UE9            Asiatic Russia  (Urals and Western Siberia)

UF             Georgia  (Prefix no longer used - now 4L)                   21  29

UF             European Russia                                             16

UG             Armenia  (Prefix no longer used - now EK)                   21  29

UG             European Russia                                             16

UH             European Russia                                             16

UH             Turkmenistan  (Prefix no longer used - now EZ)              17  42

UI             European Russia                                             16

UI             Uzbekistan  (Prefix no longer used - now UJ)                17  30

UJA to UMZ     Uzbekistan

UJ             Uzbekistan                                                  17  30

UJ             Tadjikistan  (Prefix no longer used - now EY)               17  42

UJnAx          Uzbekistan  (Tashkent City)                                 17  30

UJnBx          Uzbekistan  (Tashkent region)                               17  30

UJnCx          Uzbekistan  (Kaskadar'inskaya oblast)                       17  30

UJnDx          Uzbekistan  (Syrdar'inskaya oblast, Gulistan)               17  30

UJnFx          Uzbekistan  (Andizhan region)                               17  30

UJnGx          Uzbekistan  (Fergana region)                                17  30

UJnIx          Uzbekistan  (Samarkand region)                              17  30

UJnLx          Uzbekistan  (Bukhara region)                                17  30

UJnOx          Uzbekistan  (Namangan region)                               17  30

UJnQx          Uzbekistan  (Navoi region)                                  17  30

UJnTx          Uzbekistan  (Surkhandar'inskaya oblast, Termez)             17  30

UJnUx          Uzbekistan  (Khorezmskaya oblast, Urgench)                  17  30

UJnVx          Uzbekistan  (Dzhizak region)                                17  30

UJnWx          Uzbekistan  (Club Stations)                                 17  30

UJnZx          Uzbekistan  (Karakalpakstan Republic, Nukus)                17  30

UK             Uzbekistan                                                  17  30

UKnAx          Uzbekistan  (Tashkent City)                                 17  30

UKnBx          Uzbekistan  (Tashkent region)                               17  30

UKnCx          Uzbekistan  (Kaskadar'inskaya oblast)                       17  30

UKnDx          Uzbekistan  (Syrdar'inskaya oblast, Gulistan)               17  30

UKnFx          Uzbekistan  (Andizhan region)                               17  30

UKnGx          Uzbekistan  (Fergana region)                                17  30

UKnIx          Uzbekistan  (Samarkand region)                              17  30

UKnLx          Uzbekistan  (Bukhara region)                                17  30

UKnOx          Uzbekistan  (Namangan region)                               17  30

UKnQx          Uzbekistan  (Navoi region)                                  17  30

UKnTx          Uzbekistan  (Surkhandar'inskaya oblast, Termez)             17  30

UKnUx          Uzbekistan  (Khorezmskaya oblast, Urgench)                  17  30

UKnVx          Uzbekistan  (Dzhizak region)                                17  30

UKnWx          Uzbekistan  (Club Stations)                                 17  30

UKnZx          Uzbekistan  (Karakalpakstan Republic, Nukus)                17  30

UL             Uzbekistan                                                  17  30

UL             Kazahkhstan  (Prefix no longer used - now UN)               17  30

ULnAx          Uzbekistan  (Tashkent City)                                 17  30

ULnBx          Uzbekistan  (Tashkent region)                               17  30

ULnCx          Uzbekistan  (Kaskadar'inskaya oblast)                       17  30

ULnDx          Uzbekistan  (Syrdar'inskaya oblast, Gulistan)               17  30

ULnFx          Uzbekistan  (Andizhan region)                               17  30

ULnGx          Uzbekistan  (Fergana region)                                17  30

ULnIx          Uzbekistan  (Samarkand region)                              17  30

ULnLx          Uzbekistan  (Bukhara region)                                17  30

ULnOx          Uzbekistan  (Namangan region)                               17  30

ULnQx          Uzbekistan  (Navoi region)                                  17  30

ULnTx          Uzbekistan  (Surkhandar'inskaya oblast, Termez)             17  30

ULnUx          Uzbekistan  (Khorezmskaya oblast, Urgench)                  17  30

ULnVx          Uzbekistan  (Dzhizak region)                                17  30

ULnWx          Uzbekistan  (Club Stations)                                 17  30

ULnZx          Uzbekistan  (Karakalpakstan Republic, Nukus)                17  30

UM             Uzbekistan                                                  17  30

UM             Kirghizia  (Prefix no longer used - now EX)                 17  30

UMnAx          Uzbekistan  (Tashkent City)                                 17  30

UMnBx          Uzbekistan  (Tashkent region)                               17  30

UMnCx          Uzbekistan  (Kaskadar'inskaya oblast)                       17  30

UMnDx          Uzbekistan  (Syrdar'inskaya oblast, Gulistan)               17  30

UMnFx          Uzbekistan  (Andizhan region)                               17  30

UMnGx          Uzbekistan  (Fergana region)                                17  30

UMnIx          Uzbekistan  (Samarkand region)                              17  30

UMnLx          Uzbekistan  (Bukhara region)                                17  30

UMnOx          Uzbekistan  (Namangan region)                               17  30

UMnQx          Uzbekistan  (Navoi region)                                  17  30

UMnTx          Uzbekistan  (Surkhandar'inskaya oblast, Termez)             17  30

UMnUx          Uzbekistan  (Khorezmskaya oblast, Urgench)                  17  30

UMnVx          Uzbekistan  (Dzhizak region)                                17  30

UMnWx          Uzbekistan  (Club Stations)                                 17  30

UMnZx          Uzbekistan  (Karakalpakstan Republic, Nukus)                17  30

UNA to UQZ     Kazakhstan

UN             Kazakhstan  (Ordinary licences)                             17  30

UNnx           Kazakhstan  (Extra Class licences)                          17  30

UNnxx          Kazakhstan  (1st Class licences)                            17  30

UNnxxx         Kazakhstan  (Novice Class licences)                         17  30

UNnAx          Kazakhstan  (Mangistau region)                              17  30

UNnBx          Kazakhstan  (Akmolinsk region)                              17  30

UNnCx          Kazakhstan  (Petropavlovsk region)                          17  30

UNnDx          Kazakhstan  (Semipalatinsk region)                          17  30

UNnEx          Kazakhstan  (Kokchetav region)                              17  30

UNnFx          Kazakhstan  (Pavlodar region)                               17  30

UNnGx          Kazakhstan  (Alma-Ata City)                                 17  30

UNnIx          Kazakhstan  (Aktyubinsk region)                             17  30

UNnJx          Kazakhstan  (East Kazakhstan region, Ust'Kamenogorsk)       17  30

UNnKx          Kazakhstan  (Kzyl-Orda region)                              17  30

UNnLx          Kazakhstan  (Kustanay region)                               17  30

UNnMx          Kazakhstan  (Uralsk region)                                 17  30

UNnNx          Kazakhstan  (Chimkent region)                               17  30

UNnOx          Kazakhstan  (Atyrau region)                                 17  30

UNnPx          Kazakhstan  (Karaganda region)                              17  30

UNnQx          Kazakhstan  (Alma-Ata region)                               17  30

UNnRx          Kazakhstan  (Dzhezkazgan region)                            17  30

UNnSx          Kazakhstan  (Leninsk, Baikonur)                             17  30

UNnTx          Kazakhstan  (Dzambul region)                                17  30

UNnVx          Kazakhstan  (Taldy-Kurgan region)                           17  30

UNnYx          Kazakhstan  (Turgayskaya oblast, Arkalyk)                   17  30

UO             Kazakhstan  (Reserved)                                      17  30

UO             Moldova  (Prefix no longer used - now ER)                   16  29

UP             Kazakhstan  (Special licences)                              17  30

UP             Lithuania  (Prefix no longer used - now LY)                 15  29

UQ             Kazakhstan  (Reserved)                                      17  30

UQ             Latvia  (Prefix no longer used - now YL)                    15  29

URA to UZZ     Ukraine

UR             Ukraine                                                     16  29

UR             Estonia  (Prefix no longer used - now ES)                   15  29

URnxx          Ukraine  (1st Class licence)                                16  29

URnxxx         Ukraine  (2nd, 3rd and 4th Class licences)                  16  29

URnxWx, URnxXx,

URnxYx, URnxZx Ukraine  (Club Stations)                                    16  29

URnAx          Ukraine  (Sumy)                                             16  29

URnBx          Ukraine  (Ternopol)                                         16  29

URnCx          Ukraine  (Cherkassy)                                        16  29

URnDx          Ukraine  (Zakarpatskaya oblast, Uzhgorod)                   16  29

URnEx          Ukraine  (Dnepropetrovsk)                                   16  29

URnFx          Ukraine  (Odessa)                                           16  29

URnGx          Ukraine  (Kherson)                                          16  29

URnHx          Ukraine  (Poltava)                                          16  29

URnIx          Ukraine  (Donetsk)                                          16  29

URnKx          Ukraine  (Rivno)                                            16  29

URnLx          Ukraine  (Kharkov)                                          16  29

URnMx          Ukraine  (Lugansk)                                          16  29

URnNx          Ukraine  (Vinnitsa)                                         16  29

URnPx          Ukraine  (Volynskaya oblast, Lutsk)                         16  29

URnQx          Ukraine  (Zaporopzhie)                                      16  29

URnRx          Ukraine  (Chernigov)                                        16  29

URnSx          Ukraine  (Ivano-Frankivsk)                                  16  29

URnTx          Ukraine  (Khmelnitsky)                                      16  29

URnUx          Ukraine  (Kiev City, Kiev region)                           16  29

URnVx          Ukraine  (Kirovograd)                                       16  29

URnWx          Ukraine  (Lviv)                                             16  29

URnXx          Ukraine  (Zhitomir)                                         16  29

URnYx          Ukraine  (Chernovtsy)                                       16  29

URnZx          Ukraine  (Nikilaev)                                         16  29

US, UT, UU     Ukraine  (Area designations as in "UR" above)               16  29

UV, UW         Ukraine  (Reserved)                                         16  29

UX, UY         Ukraine  (Area designations as in "UR" above)               16  29

UZ             Ukraine  (Reserved)                                         16  29

UZ2F           Kaliningradsk                                               15  29

VøA to VøZ     Not allocated by ITU

V1A to V1Z     Not allocated by ITU

V2A to V2Z     Antigua and Barbuda

V2             Antigua and Barbuda                                          8  11

V3A to V3Z     Belize

V3             Belize                                                       7  11

V31            Belize  (Corozal District and Lighthouse Reef)               7  11

V4A to V4Z     Saint Kitts and Nevis

V4             Saint Kitts and Nevis                                        8  11

V5A to V5Z     Namibia

V5, V5ø, V51   Namibia                                                     38  57

V6A to V6Z     Federated States of Micronesia

V6             Federated States of Micronesia                              27  65

V6ø            Pulap Island                                                27  65

V63            Mwokil Atol and Pingelap Atol                               27  65

V64            Mortlock Islands                                            27  65

V7A to V7Z     Marshall Islands

V7, V73        Marshall Islands                                            31  65

V8A to V8Z     Brunei

V8, V85        Brunei                                                      28  54

V9A to V9Z     Not allocated by ITU

V9             Vendaland  (Unofficial prefix no longer used - now ZS)      38  57

VAA to VGZ     Canada


VD, VE         Canada  (Provinces denoted by number - see "VE")

VEø            Canadian marine mobiles

VE1            Canada, Nova Scotia                                          5   9

VE2            Canada, Quebec                                               2   9

VE3            Canada, Ontario                                              4   4

VE4            Canada, Manitoba                                             4   3

VE5            Canada, Saskatchewan                                         4   3

VE6            Canada, Alberta                                              4   2

VE7            Canada, British Columbia                                     3   2

VE8            Canada, North West Territories                               1   1

VE9            Canada, New Brunswick                                        5   9

VF, VG         Canada  (Provinces denoted by number - see "VE")

VHA to VNZ     Australia


VK             Australia  (Territories denoted by number - see VK)

VKnFxxx        Australia  (Foundation Class Licences with four letter

               suffixes beginning with "F".  Territories denoted by number

               see VK)

VKøD           Princess Elizabeth Land                                     39

VKøH           Heard Island                                                39  68

VKøM           Macquarie Island                                            30  60

VK1            Australia  (Canberra)                                       30  59

VK2            Australia  (New South Wales)                                30  59

VK3            Australia  (Victoria)                                       30  59

VK4            Australia  (Queensland)                                     30  59

VK4            Papua Territory  (Prefix no longer used - now P2)           28  51

VK5            Australia  (South Australia)                                30  59

VK6            Australia  (Western Australia)                              29  58

VK7            Australia  (Tasmania)                                       30  59

VK8            Australia  (Northern Territory)                             29  55

VK9            Nauru  (Prefix no longer used - now C2)                     31  65

VK9            Papua Territory  (Prefix no longer used - now P2)           28  51

VK9            Territory of New Guinea  (Prefix no longer used - now P2)   28  51

VK9C           Cocos Keeling Islands                                       29  54

VK9H           Lord Howe Island                                            30  60

VK9KC          Cocos Keeling Islands                                       29  54

VK9KL          Lord Howe Island                                            30  60

VK9KM          Mellish Reef                                                30  56

VK9KN          Norfolk Island                                              32  60

VK9KW          Willis Island                                               30  55

VK9KX          Christmas Island                                            29  54

VK9L           Lord Howe Island                                            30  60

VK9M           Mellish Reef                                                30  56

VK9N           Norfolk Island                                              32  60

VK9NC          Cocos Keeling Islands                                       29  54

VK9NL          Lord Howe Island                                            30  60

VK9NM          Mellish Reef                                                30  56

VK9NN          Norfolk Island                                              32  60

VK9NW          Willis Island                                               30  55

VK9NX          Christmas Island                                            29  54

VK9W           Willis Island                                               30  55

VK9X           Christmas Island                                            29  54

VK9Y           Cocos Keeling Islands                                       29  54

VK9Z           Mellish Reef                                                30  56

VK9ZC          Cocos Keeling Islands                                       29  54

VK9ZL          Lord Howe Island                                            30  60

VK9ZM          Mellish Reef                                                30  56

VK9ZN          Norfolk Island                                              32  60

VK9ZW          Willis Island                                               30  55

VK9ZX          Christmas Island                                            29  54

 VL, VM, VN     Australia  (Commercial users)

VOA to VOZ     Canada

VO             Canada

VO1            Canada, Newfoundland                                         5   9

VO2            Canada, Labrador                                             2   9

VO5            Canada, Newfoundland                                         5   9

VPA to VQZ     United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

               (Including Isle of Man and Channel Islands)

VP1            British Honduras  (Prefix no longer used - now V3)           7  11

VP2A           Antigua and Barbuda  (Prefix no longer used - now V2)        8  11

VP2D           Dominica  (Prefix no longer used - now J7)                   8  11

VP2E           Anguilla                                                     8  11

VP2G           Grenada  (Prefix no longer used - now J3)                    8  11

VP2K           Saint Kitts and Nevis  (Prefix no longer used - now V4)      8  11

VP2K           Anguilla  (Prefix no longer used - now VP2E)                 8  11

VP2L           Saint Lucia  (Prefix no longer used - now J6)                8  11

VP2M           Montserrat                                                   8  11

VP2S           Saint Vincent  (Prefix no longer used - now J8)              8  11

VP2V           British Virgin Islands                                       8  11

VP3            British Guyana  (Prefix no longer used - now 8R)             9  12

VP4            Trinidad and Tobago (Prefix no longer used - now 9Y)         9  11

VP5            Turks and Caicos Islands (See also special callsign VQ59W)   8  11

VP5            Cayman Islands  (Prefix no longer used - now ZF)             8  11

VP5            Jamaica  (Prefix no longer used - now 6Y)                    8  11

VP5E           Anguilla  (Prefix no longer used - now VP2E)                 8  11

VP6            Pitcairn Island Group                                       32  63

VP6Dx          Ducie Island                                                32  63

VP6Px          Pitcairn Island                                             32  63

VP6            Barbados  (Prefix no longer used - now 8P)                   8  11

VP7            Bahamas  (Prefix no longer used - now C6A)                   8  11

VP8            Falkland Islands                                            13  16

VP8C           South Orkney                                                13  73

VP8G           South Georgia                                               13  73

VP8S           South Sandwich                                              13  73

VP8S           South Shetland                                              13  73

VP9            Bermuda                                                      5  11

VQ1            Zanzibar  (Prefix no longer used - now 5H1)                 37  53

VQ2            Northern Rhodesia  (Prefix no longer used - now 9J)         36  53

VQ3            Tanganyika  (Prefix no longer used - now 5H)                37  53

VQ4            Kenya  (Prefix no longer used - now 5Z)                     37  48

VQ5            Uganda  (Prefix no longer used - now 5X)                    37  48

VQ59W          Turks and Caicos Islands (Special callsign used during 2008

               SSB WPX Contest only)                                        8  11

VQ6            British Somaliland  (Prefix no longer used - now J2)        37  48

VQ8            Mauritius  (Prefix no longer used - now 3B)                 39  53

VQ8            Chagos  (Prefix no longer used - now VQ9)                   39  41

VQ9            Chagos                                                      39  41

VQ9            Aldabra, Seychelles  (Prefix no longer used - now S7)       39  53

VQ9            Desroches Island  (Prefix no longer used - now S7)          39  53

VQ9            Farquhar Group  (Prefix no longer used - now S7)            39  53

VRA to VRZ     China

VR1            Gilbert, Ellice, Phoenix and Ocean Islands

               (Prefix no longer used - now T3)                            31  65

VR2            Hong Kong                                                   24  44

VR2            Fiji  (Prefix no longer used - now 3D2)                     32  56

VR3            Northern Line Islands  (Prefix no longer used - now T32)    31  65